Hallmark Assignment: Concept Map
Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points 30
Submitting a file upload
Available after May 27 at 12am
Assignment Overview:
Assignment Instructions:
Submission Guidelines:
This week you will analyze the ‘5 Rights of Delegation’ and complete and upload a concept map Download concept map. The concept map is designed to give you a deeper understanding of the exemplar of delegation. This will, in turn, help improve your performance when you complete the Shadow Health scenario for the second time.
Hallmark rubric: Delegation concept map
Hallmark rubric: Delegation concept map
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome‘5 Rights of Delegation’ definitions
12 pts
Each right is clearly and accurately defined.
7 pts
One or more right is not clearly and accurately defined. Incomplete submission.
0 pts
Does not meet expectations
None of the rights are defined OR the submission contains inaccurate information OR the concept map was not submitted.
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome‘5 Rights of Delegation’ examples
12 pts
For each of the 5 rights, an example of how each was either followed or violated in the provided article is listed.
7 pts
For 3-4 rights, an example of how each was either followed or violated in the provided article is listed.
0 pts
Does not meet expectations
For 0-2 rights, an example of how each was either followed or violated in the provided article is listed OR inaccurate information was submitted.
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalism of writing
6 pts
The submission represents a professional writing submission. Complete sentences are used, and the paper is free of grammatical and spelling errors. APA 7th edition formatting is consistently followed, and a reference page (author, publication year, source) and in-text citations are utilized to give credit to sources.
5 pts
Complete sentences are used, and the paper contains 1-2 grammatical and spelling errors. APA 7th edition formatting is consistently followed, and a reference page (author, publication year, source) and in-text citations are utilized to give credit to sources.
3 pts
Complete sentences are used, and the paper contains 3-4 grammatical and spelling errors. APA 7th edition formatting is consistently followed, and a reference page (author, publication year, source) and in-text citations are utilized to give credit to sources.
0 pts
Does not meet expectations
Question responses are not all phrased in complete sentences. Entire submission contains numerous (5 or more) grammatical or spelling errors. APA 7th edition guidelines were not followed for in-text citations or reference(s). Submission could benefit from use of the Writing Center.
6 pts
Total Points: 3