1. Review ethical dilemmas, ethics-based training, and ethical standards in your

1. Review ethical dilemmas, ethics-based training, and ethical standards in your field. Review the ethical theories covered in the course, especially the foundational concepts in Ch 2 and 3. 2. Create an outline that details a training you might deliver at work, using standard outline format (e.g. main points are roman numbers I, II, III, sub-points are A, B, C, sub-subpoints are 1, 2, 3). Your outline must include three elements and sources used to support your work: a. A brief description of the participants and goal(s) for the training. Who is it for? Why do they need it? b. Ethical theories – At least two theories that apply to the selected professional problem/dilemma. Explain them and how they can help guide participants who are dealing with the issue you identified. c. Ethical Dilemmas – Two or more realistic and engaging ethical dilemmas that help make the topic more concrete and relatable for participants. This is a great opportunity for hands-on learning! d. Ethical Principles – Three or four ethical principles that should guide participants in the future to address similar dilemmas. These should be concise and actionable. 3. Prepare your outline as a Word document with references. Be sure to cite all sources including any use of generative AI in creating your outline. If using AI, include intext citation with your prompt and brief reference list citation in APA format. 4. Submit the completed first draft of your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.