1. This is the comprehension lesson plan; I attached two files. My professor com

1. This is the comprehension lesson plan; I attached two files. My professor commented on the scanned documet, and the other file is the original lesson plan. Again, I circled what needed to be changed or expanded on. This 
lesson plan does not need a lot of work done at all. Please refer to the scanned document and make the changes to the actual lesson plan. 
2. This is the vocabulary lesson plan. The scanned document has comments on what my professor made; again, I circled the parts in pink that need to be changed/corrected. The scanned document is what you  need to refer to and make the changes/corrections on the actual lesson plan that I attached below. Like the comprehension
lesson plan, not much needs to be done
3. This is the fluency lesson plan.  I scanned a copy of my lesson plan that my 
professor commented on and circled the part that needed to be corrected. I 
attached the original fluency lesson plan template I want you  to use. What I 
circled in pink on the paper is what I want them to make corrections for, and what  I did not circle can be written directly onto the lesson plan. The scanned paper is a short version of the lesson plan, so the fluency lesson plan template has more 
boxes to complete. Please refer to the scanned document to make corrections  
complete the actual template. This is for a first-grade level. 
Thank you.