1. Write a two paragraph proposal for a topic/theme for your final paper (19th Century Art) that you would be interested in. Your topic should be new, though it can relate to some extent to the material we discussed this semester. Here, you can follow your interest in other countries and 19th century art, in the artists we did not cover, and so on. You will need to do some research for your topic. I will explain this in person on Tuesday and will also suggest some themes.
Next, I will read your proposal or you will need to wait for it being approved. You gain points already at this stage. Only after that, you will be able to move onto the next stage of this final paper.
Now, your final paper will introduce this topic as a proposal for a small art exhibition. In it, you have to show about 5-6 works of art by at least 3 artists. However, you are not yet at that stage.
(An example: A theme of “Spontaneity in the Art of the Impressionists with works by Monet, Degas, Cassatt”. Of course, you have to come up with your own topic.)
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