1) Written about a social problem that affects a significant portion of the population.
2) Created an interesting title that captures the interest of your reader and indicates the focus of your essay.
3) Included appropriate information in the top left-hand corner of your paper.
4) Inserted page numbers with your last name in front of them in the top right-hand corner of your paper.
5) Written a strong, creative introduction that sustains the interest of your reader and clearly articulates what you hope to accomplish in your essay.
6) Developed interconnected paragraphs using sign-post sentences, with each paragraph dealing with one major idea.
7) Identified and used a minimum of SIX sources that meet academic standards for accuracy, integrity, reliability, and objectivity.
8) Appropriately quoted supporting material. Quoted material is in quotation marks and is cited using in text citations.
9) Written a strong conclusion that satisfies the reader and sums up what the reader should take away from the essay.
10) Created a writer’s voice that is both uniquely yours and also that is appropriate for academic writing.
11) Proofread and revised the essay to fix any spelling, grammar and syntax mistakes.
12) Written a minimum of six pages of text NOT including the Works Cited page.
13) Created a Works Cited page that is formatted according to MLA Standards. All sources listed in the Works Cited page appear in the essay in the form of in-text citations, and in-text citations have sources in the Works Cited page.
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