3 Theories Written Response
Connect the theories of three of the below writers. Make sure at least one of your selections is from the Victorian era!
These are our Renaissance, Romantic, and Victorian era writers:
The Renaissance poetry theory of Sir Philp Sidney’s “An Apology for Poetry” (Critical Tradition, 132-159),
Romanticism poetic theories of William Wordsworth’s “Preface to Lyrical Ballads” (304-318) &
Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “A Defence of Poetry” (344-363)
Victorian critical theories of Matthew Arnold’s “Study of Poetry” (429-434),
Friedrich Nietzsche’s “On Truth & Lie in an Extra Moral Sense” (452-458), &
Oscar Wilde’s “The Decay of Lying” (478-496)
Using at least one of our Victorians (Arnold, Nietzsche, & Wilde), connect the theories of three of the above writers.
Consider: What is the primary argument of their theories? How do the writers view art or poetry? How does art or fiction appear in their theories? What is the function of fiction or poetry in their theories? What do they claim about the role or purposes of art or poetry?
How can you critically connect the theories together? Please explain the theories and critical connections.
Write 2-3 paragraphs. Compare and contrast three of the theories.
In your paragraphs, work to make an argument that critically connects their specific concepts and theories and synthesizes your ideas. Be sure to use quotations from the readings in your writing.
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