5-Year Goals Paper & Presentation: You are to write a 1250-1500-word essay describing your career goal and ideal vision of your professional life 5 years from now. In your essay be sure to address each of the following:
A.) The educational & professional requirement for this position
a. College degree (s)
b. Licensure & certification requirements
c. Continuing education requirements
B.) Current trends in your career goals
a. Growth
b. Compensation
c. Settings
C.) The scope of practice
a. Tasks & responsibilities
b. State that you expect to live in
c. Specializations
Furthermore more in this essay you must show that I’ve read The Mathew Perry Book and you can do this by
Provide page numbers and specific examples,
related the content to something you understand,
dive deep into what the book is about using page numbers and examples, etc.
A source you must use to lprovide information about the profession is the following http://www.bls.gov/
I see myself in 5 years graduating from med school my first 4 years, and already have graduated from the masters in biomedical science that I’m planning to do right after graduation. I hope to get chosen for either psychiatry and neurosurgery residency. Coming from parents with a medical back would this has always been a dream. It has taken me a little back and forth to figure. Out what I want to do but I have finally set it in stone that medical school is the way for me. I’m excited to be someone who’s competent in healthcare who can make anyone of bag background feel heard and safe under ny care. Coming from a middle eastern Hispanic background myself (I’m Dominican and Lebanese m) I know the stereotypes that we phase. You can add fluff and make this really interesting and engaging specially incorporating the Mathew Perry book somehow if any questions please text
Times New Roman 12
I have uploaded the rubric below
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