6 Google comment reflections. Each focusing on a different assessment criterion you choose from the list below (minimum 125 words for each) that you feel you accomplished well in the final draft, or which speaks to you deeply (because maybe you feel confident here, or you experienced frustration here, found a particular goal difficult, challenging, or you’re proud of your growth and development here). Whatever the reason, each reflection you compose should point to the assessment criteria you’re addressing, explain your process and progress, and talk about how you see yourself accomplishing the specific capstone criterion in the final draft. Use specific examples from your drafts and other work this semester to show your reader concrete examples.
Capstone Assessment Criteria | Grading Criteria (what you will be graded on)
A capstone that is focused on a point, supports the point, and explores implications (interpretations and conclusions) of the point (thesis and all ideas, examples support the thesis).
A capstone that demonstrates critical thinking and analysis.
A capstone in which the thinking at the heart of the essay has clearly grown out of and has been influenced by reading.
A capstone in which there is a sense of overall organization and structure. This means that paragraphs are used to help focus and develop ideas, and sentences and paragraphs are understandable, logical, and cohesive.
A capstone that shows evidence of independent research and use of sources. This research should be integrated into the writer’s own ideas in the essay.
A capstone that makes skillful and strategic use of direct quotations, summary and paraphrase.
A capstone that shows development and growth from draft to draft.
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