NURS 6051 Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

NURS 6051 Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

NURS 6051 Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

The role of the boards of nursing is to promote the welfare and protect public health through assuring and overseeing the licensed nurses based on their level of practice. Therefore, the boards of nursing act as state agencies that provide safety and competent care (Spector et al.,2018). Each board of directors comprises a non-profit organization, National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), and operates independently. Notably, the number of boards of nursing is fifty -nine in total. The board of nursing is lead by the board of directors consisting of nurses and other members. The state’s boards of directors are responsible for administering the laws that govern the nursing practice and education. The board of nursing is prohibited from lobbying, supporting, or lobbying any proposed bill during the legislative sessions.

In contrast, professional nursing associations differ from the board of nursing since they act as professional membership organizations that require members to pay the dues, thus helping them enjoy the benefits. Additionally, the professional nurse association is elected by members of the association thus governed by the Board of Directors (Halstead, 2017). Moreover, the professional nursing association serves as the united voice for nurses and works actively, thus empowering the process to deliver quality health care.

The board for my region is the North Dakota board of nursing. The board membership consist of nine appointed member who are appointed by the governor. Notably, there are five of the members are registered nurses ,two licensed practical nurse, one advanced practice nurse and a public member. The serving term for the North Dakota board of nursing is a four years team and

no member is allowed to be appointed more than two consecutive terms and the public member is appointed by the governor. coinciding with the four years term.

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To become a member of the North Dakota board of nursing, one must have the United States Social Security Number. A member must have completed a nursing program that prepared you for the level of licensure sought and includes supervised clinical experience across the life span as part of the curriculum. Moreover, one must have one of the following: four hundred hours of license nursing practice in the last four years for the level of licensure sought (if practice occurred outside of the United States, complete the Verification of Employment Form). Either complete a nursing program in the past four years or complete a board-approved refresher course within the past four years. You must submit proof of initial licensure by examination with the examination meeting North Dakota requirements for licensure examinations in effect at the time the applicant qualified for initial licensure.

The state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice is the Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). The APRNS include the clinical nurse specialist, nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, and nurse anesthetists, and they all help in a pivotal role in the future of health care. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses act at the forefront in providing preventive care services to the public. APRNs treat and diagnose illnesses by advising the public on health issues and engaging in continuous education to remain ahead of any technology, thus influencing the nurse’s role. Additionally, they provide primary, acute, and specialty health care across the lifespan through treatment and illness assessment.

The advanced practice nurse profession regulation influences cost-effectiveness in healthcare by helping in diagnosing common medical problems, ordering tests, making referrals, and prescribing medications. Additionally, the regulation influences access to healthcare providing competent and safe care in the setting, thus strengthening the workforce that fulfills the escalating healthcare demands(Woo et al., 2017)

. Moreover, the advanced practice nurse profession helps in the emergency setting by enabling physicians to pay greater attention to patients with highly complex and acuity issues. Therefore, by improving access to prompt emergent care, the regulation influences the delivery by enhancing timely treatment through observing priority in emergency care.

The state regulation related to the general nursing scope includes the Registered Nurse (RN) and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). The state regulation is educated, maintain active licensure and title to practice nursing. Therefore, Registered Nurse regulation help in defining the standards and parameters of professional nursing practice. In addition, they emphasize advanced protection over the advancement of nursing; decisions tend to be conservative and risk-averse, as well as helping in the regulatory process. The Registered nurse shapes the care, thus influencing the nurse’s role.

Registered nurse regulation can influence the cost of health care since they are always on the front lines. For instance, many departments implement improvement of the project through involving the front-line members. Additionally, a registered nurse can advocate against unnecessary treatments or medication, thus influencing the organization costs. Furthermore, registered nurses help coordinate care from multiple providers, thus managing caseloads if patients with intense care need influence effective access to healthcare. Moreover, they act as health coaches, thus preventing illness and promoting wellness which influences the delivery of patient care.


•Halstead, J. A. (2017). Professional nursing organizations. Issues and trends in nursing: Practice, policy, and leadership, 107-118.

•Spector, N., Hooper, J. I., Silvestre, J., & Qian, H. (2018). Board of nursing approval of registered nurse education programs. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 8(4), 22-31.

•Woo, B. F. Y., Lee, J. X. Y., & San Tam, W. W. (2017). The impact of the advanced practice nursing role on quality of care, clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost in the emergency and critical care settings: a systematic review. Human resources for health, 15(1), 1-22.

Differences Between Boards of Nursing and Professional Associations

Boards of Nursing

State-based  agencies

Regulate the Nursing Practice

Institute, Monitor & Review State Regulations

Issues and Monitors Nurse Licenses

Program’s Accreditation & Oversight of Training Process

Enforcement of Nursing Practice Law

The Boards of Nursing (BONs) are state-based entities formed through existing state nursing acts to regulate the practice of nursing within their jurisdictions The Boards of Nursing protect and promote public’s health and welfare by oversighting and ensuring that licensed nurses from each level of practice offer safe and competence. There are 59 state BONs, and each comprise the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). These organizations are independent and not for profit entities that institute, monitor and review state regulations to guide the profession based on set state regulations (NCSBN, 2020). The boards of nursing issue and monitor nurse licenses, implying that they have the power to revoke them if one violates set regulations. BONs do not draft legislation, nor can they support or oppose a proposed bill before their respective legislatures. They do not participate in lobbying (Neff et al., 2018). The boards like NCSBN) accredit nursing programs, oversees training process for nursing licensure and enforce nursing practice laws.

Professional Nursing Associations

Specific areas of Specialization and Fields

Representation of nursing profession’s interests

Promotion of Career Development and Advancing the Profession

Lobbying at state and federal level on nursing matters

Dissemination of professional knowledge

Keeping Nurses Informed on New Trends and Issues

Professional nursing associations like the American Nurses Association (ANA) and American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) are specific to their different areas of specialization. These entities represent the interests of the nursing profession and promote career development and advancement of their respective members. These entities set professional practice standards, values, and ethics to guide effective conduct of their members based on their specialty (ANA, 2021). The associations also lobby at state and federal levels on issues affecting nurses, the healthcare industry and health promotion. The associations disseminate professional knowledge through conferences, publication of journal articles and position statements on various issues affecting the profession. Through these practices, they keep nurse informed about new trends, evidence-based practice, and issues that impact care delivery