You are a solid state device consultant. A customer approaches you for the choice of an material that is suitable for optoelectronic application. The requirements for the material are:

Consider the following scenario. You are a solid state device consultant. A customer approaches you for the choice of an material that is suitable for optoelectronic application. The requirements for the material are: (i) it has the appropriate bandgap energy in the visible range; (ii) it should be cost effective; and (iii) a dielectric constant between 12 and 18. You are expected to investigate a class of semiconductor alloys, choose a set of those that satisfy the requirements and make a recommendation to the customer. This assignment will assess the your comprehension of the physics of semiconductors, ability to compare and contrast their differing characteristics, identify the material parameters that contribute to them, and recommend at least one set of parameters that meets the required criteria. A confluence of learning strategies – analytical thinking, ability to conduct independent literature survey, ability to present findings in a clear fashion, among others. Your task is to explore the optimum characteristics of such semiconductors and make a recommendation to the customer. Submit a brief report on your approach to addressing this task. What you plan to do, how you would interpret the customer’s need and how you would proceed to find at least a few choices that meets her requirements. The attached rubric will be employed to assess your submission. Your report should be properly formatted, and should include, at a minimum: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction and Motivation, Proposed Approach to the Assigned Project, Relevant Equations and Computations, Analysis of Results, Conclusions and References/Bibliography. Identify specific learning strategies employed in your deliberation