ENGL 147N Week 3 Assignment: Con-Position Topic & Proposal

ENGL 147N Week 3 Assignment: Con-Position Topic & Proposal

ENGL 147N Week 3 Assignment: Con-Position Topic & Proposal

Con-Position Proposal

SUBJECT:Impact of Video GamesRESEARCH QUESTION:Why should video games be discouraged?CLAIM:Video games should be discouraged due to its numerous undesirable impacts which include: psychological disorder, violence, and overactiveness among participants. RESEARCH PROPOSAL:With my research, I propose to demonstrate that video games should be discouraged due to its numerous undesirable impacts which include: psychological disorder, violence, and increase in crime rates among participants. I will show the impacts of video games on individuals, how it leads to mental disruption and how it is a threat to the overall safety of the society. I will research libraries for journals, magazines, research, statistics and reports on the impacts of video games. I will also observe close relatives who spend a minimum of two hours on video games daily to further help in due understanding of its influence on participants. This research will however be useful for parents, guardians, educators and government as it will enable them manage the challenges that video games poses.   

3 SOURCE COLLECTION via a Synthesis Matrix

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Source: Use an APA in-text citation1st Con-Point: Video game leads to mental disruption among participants2nd Con-Point: Video games encourage and promote violence among individuals3rd Con-Point: Video games triggers overactiveness in individuals.(Scott et al, 2016) for first sourceOver the years, researches have continued to prove how video game disrupts the mental activities leading to psychological disorders among individuals. The effect of video games on individuals according to Scott et al (2016) includes: “reasoning biases, tendency to jump to conclusions, and personality disorders.” These consequences listed by Scott and his fellow researchers further make individuals turn out aggressive through a psychological theory known as “General Aggression Model.” While other researches might want to refute this stance with the fact that video games have contributed immensely to science and technology especially as a learning tool, it should be observed that there is a limit to everything and exposing individuals to violent video games exposes them to more harms than good.         (Cart, M 2010) for second source  Children due to constant exposure to super hero video games tend to imagine and most times likely to imitate the actions they see on the video games. This action according to Laycock (2015) makes children “dangerously overactive” as well as causing harm to other children. Video games need to be discouraged for children to curb overactiveness in children.(Laycock, 2015) for third source Spending time playing video games is equivalent to growing up in a violent infused environment which is capable of influencing an individual’s perception on violence as the only way to resolve conflict, as with the case in video games. According to a research carried out by the university of Michigan Health System, studies spanning from the 1950s till 2010 observed a “link between exposure to media violence and violent behavior.” (Cart, 2010). Without reasonable doubt, video games promote violence among individuals. 


Cart, M.(2010). A Literature of Risk. American Libraries, 41(5), 32-35. Retrieved May 19, 

           2020, from www.JSTOR.org/stable/20700502

Laycock, J. (2015). How the Imagination Became Dangerous. In Dangerous Games: What the

            Moral Panic over Role-Playing Games Says about Play, Religion, and Imagined Worlds

            (pp.210-240). Oakland, California: University of California Press. Retrieved May 19,

            2020, from www.JSTOR.org/stable/10.1525/j.ctt13X1hs5.11

Scott,C., Engelstatter, B., & Ward, M., (2016). Violent Video Games and Violent Crime.

            Southern Economic Journal , 82(4), 1247-1265.doi:10.2307/26632315