ENGL 147N Week 3 Discussion: Appealing the Audience 

ENGL 147N Week 3 Discussion: Appealing the Audience 

ENGL 147N Week 3 Discussion: Appealing the Audience 

Welcome to Week 3! You may begin posting on  for credit March 16. We will be discussing Audience on this discussion board. As you know, we have been reading about audience and considering our audience/reader this week. We have also been learning more about how to appeal to audience, while looking into ways to develop a con-position argument.

As was mentioned in our reading, if there is an argument, there is an audience to hear/read that argument. As persuasive writers, we are hoping to influence that audience one way or another. As discussed in the reading, Aristotle labeled the audience pathos, the Greek word for both passion and suffering. It’s important that the person arguing a position knows the views of the audience. This will help determine how he/she will use persuasion. As argumentative writers, we want to engage and evoke sympathy, and this leads to effective persuasion.

For this discussion, you will be finding an ad and dissecting it based on the 4 appeals from this week’s lesson: logos, pathos, ethos, and kairos.

Speaking of appealing to an audience, researchers conducted an experiment among US college students assessing the effects of anger- and sadness-framed TV antismoking advertisements on viewers’ emotional response in 2014. It’s an interesting study worth checking out:

Kim, S. J., & Niederdeppe, J. (2014). Emotional expressions in antismoking television advertisements: consequences of anger and sadness framing on pathways to persuasion. Journal Of Health Communication19(6), 692–709. https://doi-org.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/10810730.2013.8375Links to an external site.

You will be using a minimum of 1 source (online graphic). Be sure to post before Wednesday. See our discussion rubric as a reference when you are writing your initial post.

If you have any questions at all, email me or post to our class Q & A.

The graphic AD is for Solvista Health in Canon City, CO.

Logos- The argument is that Solvista health is the facility that everybody should be going to for help with their mental health with the support being All people are valued there, the employees are innovative, They believe communication is key, they believe integrity comes above all other things, and they choose happiness for themselves and inspire it in others every day.

Pathos- The audience is all people in the community looking for physical and emotional healthcare. The Ad is wanting to influence people of the community that want to be happy and work on their health. The ad keeps mentioning your community or any individual needing healthcare (Solvista,2020).

Ethos- The writer is someone representing the Solvista company and speaking for everyone who works for the company/ facility.

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Kairos- The occasion is a person of the community that is looking for health benefits. In specific anyone suffering from mental illness who needs help knowing which direction to take or to get medication and therapy they need to lead a fulfilling life.

The overall assessment is highly effective in my opinion. When a person is struggling with mental illness or health problems the main things that stick out is being healthy and being happy so when the ad is explaining how these two things fit in the facility’s values it makes people want to go get healthcare from Solvista. They make it seem like the patient will be the main priority with each individuals’ unique needs (Solvista,2020).


Solvista Health.(2020). Retrieved May 17, 2020, from https://solvistahealth.org/mission-vision-statements/

Firstly, it is worth admitting that logos and pathos are well delivered in the post. The author gave a short but still concise analysis of the graphic advertisement by addressing both the argument and logical appeal. Additionally, one should aptly admit that the discussed ad puts its main accent on presenting the system of values followed when delivering professional services. Such values are the equal treatment of all people, implementation of innovation, use of communication and integrity, and paying specific attention to optimistic approaches. (Solvista Health, 2020). All the mentioned is an example of pathos and therefore it is possible to conclude that this rhetorical tool is a type of focus in this advertisement.
      As for ethos and kairos, they seem to lack in the ad. For example, there is no evidence presented that could make the potential clients believe in the company’s credibility and trustworthiness. Moreover, when considering kairos, there is also no specific appeal to why the ad can be recognized as one that was made in a perfect moment.


Solvista Health. (2020). Our values. Retrieved May 17, 2020, from https://solvistahealth.org/mission-vision-statements/.

I liked your explanation of how Logos was used within the advertisement. Making an Advertisement geared toward Mental Health should endorse happiness for all. Communication is also an important element to include when promoting Mental Health. However merely presenting a representative from Solvista and simply having that person present an argumentative claim is not enough to establish credibility. The person representing the company would need to gain the public’s trust by stating the credentials the have to make such claims. Also, evidence-based health claims that are supported by science are more trustworthy than claims that are made without any evidence to support them.

I decided to choose the flu vaccine advertisement / info graphic from the CDC website which was published April 2018 because I can easily connect to this topic. In spite of the flu awareness campaigns each year, we have thousands of people die from flu each year. As per Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates for 2018-2019 flu season, 35.5 million people got sick with influenza and 34,200 people died due to influenza.  In the below paragraphs, I have attempted to dissect the advertisement about flu vaccine based on Aristotle’s philosophy about three “players” in any argument which are logos, pathos, ethos. Kairos refers to the occasion of the argument.

Logos: According to Aristotle, logos means the argument itself including the logic and evidence supporting the argument. In the Flu vaccine advertisement, logos would be CDC’s assertions that Flu is a very serious illness and flu vaccine can protect individuals and their family from getting influenza. The CDC has given evidence to support its claim by stating the number of people who did not get sick after taking the flu vaccine.

Pathos: In Greek, pathos means suffering or passion. While making an argument, the author should appeal to the audience’s emotions, interest and imagination about the issue. In the selected advertisement, CDC has given the number of people around US that did not get the flu and did not have be hospitalized or go to the doctor’s office because of they took the flu vaccine. The advertisement also states that flu vaccine prevents children and pregnant women as well as people with lung, heart and diabetes from getting sick. The advertisement seems to target the fear emotion of the audience making it an excellent example of pathos.

Ethos: As per Aristotle, Ethos refers to the creditability or trustworthiness of the author or speaker. This advertisement about Flu vaccine has been created by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). CDC is the nation’s health protection agency and has been protecting the safety and health of Americans for the last 70 yrs. The CDC is a not for profit government organization and has unremarkable credibility and is trusted by millions of Americans and health professionals around the world. From time to time, CDC issues guidelines and recommendations about various illnesses and is well respected and followed by medical professionals as well as people. This makes CDC a perfect example of Ethos.

Kairos: The concept of kairos refers to choosing the best time, place and type of argument to make a successful argument. As per Aristotle an argument should be presented at the right time. The selected CDC advertisement was published in April 2018 which towards the end of flu season (right time). The argument presented in the advertisement is about how the flu vaccine can prevent the influenza (right type of argument) and is posted on the CDC website (right place) where any individual or healthcare professionals can easily access it.

In my opinion the advertisement is very effective since it makes a valid claim about flu vaccines and how it can prevent influenza and related hospitalization and deaths. The advertisement is short and brief and not overwhelming and written in a simple and easy to understand language. The advertisement has been created by CDC which is a well-respected government agency and trusted by millions of people and healthcare professionals. The advertisement has presented evidence by giving number of people around US that did not get the flu and did not have be hospitalized or go to the doctor’s office because of they took the flu vaccine. The advertisement seems to have been created towards the end of the flu season and can be conveniently accessed on the CDC website. The only change I would like to see about this advertisement is that it should have been published at beginning of the flu season around October and not towards the end of the flu season.


Flu Vaccine Protects You and Your Family. (2017, April 18). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/flu/resource-center/freeresources/graphics/flu-vaccine-protects-family.htm

Seyler, D. (2018). Read, Reason, Write (pp. 66-69). S.l.: McGraw-Hill Education.

Aristotle’s Three Proofs: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2020, from https://craftx.org/aristotles-three-proofs-ethos-logos-and-pathos

A Bold Promise to the Nation. (2020, January 23). Retrieved May 17, 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/about/24-7/index.html