NU 680 Research Paper Presentation

Applying lean ideas in health practice involves minimizing waste in processes and tasks through continuous quality improvement. As a result, healthcare professionals continually identify waste areas and eliminate anything that does not add value to patients (Ojo et al., 2022). A suitable intervention is collecting patients’ data in advance to reduce waiting time when they visit healthcare facilities. Reducing waiting time increases the efficiency of processes and reduces the probability of acquiring hospital-associated infections (Haque et al., 2018). Waste can also be reduced by decreasing the movement of patients by bringing rooms close to each other. Resources such as bathrooms can also be brought closer to patients to reduce movement and possible falls. Streamlining procedures to prevent repetition also aligns with the principles of the lean model since it prevents process delays.

The Six Sigma model is another valuable quality improvement approach in nursing. The model centrally focuses on identifying and eliminating the causes of defects (Peate, 2022). In healthcare, Six Sigma emphasizes commitment to reducing process variation and reducing errors to improve care quality. Typical application of Six Sigma includes identifying the root cause of medication errors and responding to them by implementing barcode technology. Mulac et al. (2021) identified barcode technology as a reliable intervention for preventing medication errors by improving administration via accurate drug verification. Identifying the causes of surgical complications, such as hemorrhage and fatigue, and eliminating them also aligns with the principles of the Six Sigma model. Diagnostic errors can be minimized by improving team communication, leading to high patient satisfaction. The implication is that interventions centered on identifying the cause of defects and implementing appropriate changes to reduce such defects typify Six Sigma application.

Step VII.   Research Paper Presentation

5 Slides, 5 Minutes

Present your research paper to the class in 5 minutes. You will need to prepare a presentation that summarizes your paper in an organized, succinct way.

Your presentation should consist of 5 slides with the following content on each slide:

Slide #1: Title & presenter’s name

Slide #2: Research Question

Slide #3: Background of the problem (Why is this an important topic to research?)

Slide #4: Results (What did you find out during your research? What was the answer to your research question? Where did you get this information from? e.g “a 2019 retrospective study published in the Journal of XYZ found that…”)

Slide #5: Implications (What does this mean for NP practice? What further research needs to be done? What are the important takeaways that apply to practicing as an AGPCNP?)

Tips for Power Point Presentations:

1. No more than 7 elements on each slide

2. Use contrast, but no black and white slides

3. Make it interesting and eye catching, but not too busy

4. Read from your notes, not directly from the slides (we can read your slides)

Make sure you have references, either on the individual slides or on a 6th slide labeled references.

Component of PresentationValueTimeAdherence to 5 minutes (no less then 3 or mor than 7)25%EngagementEasy for audience to pay attention (does not read word for word from research paper)255OrganizationIdeas presented in a logical order25%RelevanceWhat is presented is relevant to the research and what is written in the paper25% 100%


Research Presentation Rubric NU-680

CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Duration of PresentationAbout 5 minutes, so between 3 and 7 minutes1.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome EngagementEasy for the audience to pay attention (not reading word-for-word from research paper)1.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome OrganizationIdeas presented in a logical order1.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome RelevanceWhat you present is relevant to your research and what you wrote in your paper1.25 pts
Total Points: 5