Each team is to select a company of its choice, identify three operations management issues (at least one must be global): Operation management Course Work, SMU

Each team is to select a company of its choice, identify three operations management issues (at least one must be global), and analyze their impact on the operations performance of the company. Operations performance objectives can be discussed at any of the three Operational, Strategic, or Societal levels. You should also provide operations management-level recommendations for improvements relating to the chosen objectives in light of current economic and global circumstances.

As part of the group work, Groups are encouraged to agree on a set of criteria for choosing and researching the chosen company, how to identify the key issues, and also to identify possible sources of information to be gathered Based on the chosen company, presentation is not limited but need to cover the following content: Description Content (slides) i Brief introduction of company and its operations. 1-2 slides ii Discussions of chosen company’s, any operations performance objectives. 3-5 slides iii Management level recommendations to achieve the chosen operations performance objectives. 1-2 slides iv General Conclusion

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