Sample Answer for NUR720 Assignment_2_1_Crediting_Sources Included After Question
NUR720 Assignment 2.1: Crediting Sources
Part 1
Plagiarism refers to the deliberate appropriation of someone else’s work without giving them credit. Plagiarism can take many forms, from copying and pasting another person’s work verbatim to paraphrasing their ideas without giving them proper credit (Agrawal, 2020). Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and can result in serious consequences, such as a failing grade or even expulsion from school. There are many ways to avoid plagiarism. Be sure to give credit where it is due by citing sources properly.
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From professional perspective, it is important to avoid plagiarism because, as outlined by the Purdue Online Writing Lab, it is a form of cheating that “steals” someone else’s words or ideas and presents them as one’s own. Plagiarism can also result in academic dishonesty penalties, such as loss of points, a lower grade, or expulsion from school. Additionally, avoiding plagiarism is the ethical thing to do.
When writing any kind of academic paper, it is important to cite sources appropriately in order to avoid plagiarism. When citing references, one is providing evidence to support the point they are making in writing; this helps to avoid plagiarism, as it ensures that all the information is properly attributed to the original source. Citing sources also makes an argument more credible, as readers can see that they have done the research and that they are not just making things up. Citing references appropriately also helps to keep the writing organized and easy to follow. Placing citations in the correct location within the text helps readers to quickly find the information they are looking for. Also, providing a comprehensive list of references at the end of the paper allow readers to explore further if they want more information on a particular topic.
A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NUR720 Assignment_2_1_Crediting_Sources
Title: NUR720 Assignment_2_1_Crediting_Sources
Part 2
Article 1
Research is the process of generating new knowledge. It involves acquiring new information, analyzing it, and then using it to solve problems or create new products or services. Researchers use a variety of methods to generate new information, including experiments, interviews, surveys, and reviews of existing research. The EBP process is an evidence-based approach to research that involves critical appraisal and synthesis. This means it combines new knowledge with existing studies in order create recommendations for practice based on all available data, including clinical trials or other types of Hard Sciences Research (Melnyk & Raderstorf 2019, p.9).. The process of QI, which often uses the plan-do-study act (PDSA) model, is used by healthcare systems to improve their processes or outcomes for a specific population when they identify problems. This technique can be confused with EBP but it is not just as simple because in some cases one may need more than one type information before making decisions on what needs fixing/improvement. “An example of a QI initiative would be triggered by a sudden increase in ventilator-associated pneumonia that, when practice data were evaluated, indicated that an oral care protocol was not being implemented on a regular basis” (Melnyk & Raderstorf 2019, p.9).
Article 2
As the demands for more and better clinical scholarship have increased, it is important that the system establish clear expectations about what this final project should include. The DNP Essentials recognizes such need by specifying four key components: 1) scope/breadth of analysis (i e how does an individual’s work contribute to existing research on dementia care); 2), level implementation; 3). Impact measures or outcomes affecting patients’ lives directly (American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2015, p.2). “It also is important that the translation of knowledge into the practice setting by way of the final scholarly project be clarified to ensure consistency of learning” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2015, p.2)
Article 3
There is a significant need for more research when it comes to making clinical decisions. Researchers have found that EBP can improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs and lead to greater clinician satisfaction but there’s no guarantee these benefits will be achieved without sound evidence-based reasoning behind them (Vincent et al. 2015, 48). In addition doctors often make assumptions based on tradition or habit rather than explicit evidence from published studies which leaves room for error in judgement especially if those sources are mixed together with value judgements added into the mix. “Indeed, EBP is as much about removing harmful or ineffective practices as it is about implementing strong evidence into practice” (Vincent et al. 2015, 48).
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2015). The doctor of nursing practice: Current issues and clarifying recommendations.
Agrawal, R. (2020). Plagiarism. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 63(2), 175.
Melnyk, B. M., & Raderstorf, T. (2019). Making the Case for Evidence-Based Leadership and Innovation. Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare: A Practical Guide to Success, 3. 10.1891/9780826196255
Vincent, D., Hastings-Tolsma, M., Gephart, S., & Alfonzo, P. M. (2015). Nurse practitioner clinical decision-making and evidence-based practice. The Nurse Practitioner, 40(5), 47-54.
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