NURS 436 Concept Map Assignment  Concept map: Students will write 2 concept maps based on a patient in the clinical setting

 NURS 436 Concept Map Assignment

 Concept map: Students will write 2 concept maps based on a patient in the clinical setting. The patient must be approved by the clinical instructor prior to developing the concept map. Identifying information about the patient (name, birth date, etc) must not be included on the concept map. Instead, patient initials and age in years will be provided. Concept maps will be graded using the accompanying rubric.

·        Concept Map 1 will be due by the end of week 4.

·        Concept Map 2 will be due by the end of week 13.


Concept Map Grading Rubric


20 pts

15 pts

10 pts

5 pts

0 pts



Data complete, accurate, and
supports problem identification

Data present is accurate and
supports problem identification

Minimal data present but supports
problem identification

Minimal data present.

Assessment data not present.


Problem/Nursing Diagnosis

Four key problems/nursing diagnoses
correctly identified, stated, relevant to data listed, and prioritized
appropriately. Relationship between problems is clearly indicated.

Three or more key problems/nursing
diagnoses are correctly identified and stated. All diagnoses are relevant to
data listed, and relationship between some of the problems is indicated. The
first four nursing diagnoses are accurately prioritized.

Two or more key problems/nursing
diagnoses correctly identified and stated. Most are relevant to data listed
and some relationships between problems indicated. The first three nursing
diagnoses are accurately prioritized.

One or more key problems/nursing
diagnoses are identified, but some are not relevant to data listed. Few
relationships between problems indicated. The first two nursing diagnoses are
accurately prioritized.

Nursing diagnoses not present.



Goals and expected outcomes for the
first four diagnoses are correctly structured, including time frame,
accurately derived from the problem identified.

Goals and expected outcomes for the
first four diagnoses are accurately derived from the problem identified, few
errors in structure.

Goals and expected outcomes for the
first four diagnoses relate to the problem identified, some errors in

Some goals and expected outcomes do
not relate to problem identified. Several errors in structure.

Goals and expected outcomes not



are clear and individualized to the patient. Frequency is indicated. Relate
to both parts of the problem/nursing diagnosis. Valid rationales are
indicated and relevant. Five or more sources are utilized, with three being
journal articles or other non-textbook resources. Sources are cited according
to APA format.

of interventions are clear, individualized to the patient, and address both
parts of the problem/nursing diagnosis. Majority of rationales relevant. At
least four sources are identified, with two sources being journal articles or
other non-textbook resources. There are some errors in APA format.

interventions relevant to goals. Most are individualized to the patient. Some
structural errors. Most rationales are relevant. At least three sources are
identified, with one source being a journal article or non-textbook resource.
There are many APA errors.

interventions are relevant to goals. Most are individualized to the patient.
Some structural errors. Rationales are absent. Sources are not cited or not
evidence based.

and rationales not present. No sources used or cited.



Evaluation of outcomes accurate and
relevant. If outcome is not met, revision is suggested.

Evaluation of outcomes is accurate.
Few necessary revisions not listed.

Most evaluation statements are
accurate. Few necessary revisions not listed.

Some evaluation statements are
present. Some not accurate or relevant. Some necessary revisions listed.

No evaluative statements present.










Felician University Department of Prelicensure Nursing




























Problem # and Nursing Diagnosis:


General Goal:

Expected Outcome:

Nursing Interventions:

