For this assignment, you will prepare an approximately 5-page paper that focuses on a policy issue. Use the following as a guide for what to include in your paper:
Describe a critical policy issue related to access to care, cost of care, and quality of care.
Use a policy framework (e.g., the systems framework for healthy policy from the Commonwealth Health Hub or the CDC — see the assigned resources).
Discuss the policy process you would envision for this policy, including problem identification, policy analysis, strategy and policy development, policy enactment, and policy implementation.
Include a discussion of the relevant stakeholders and their potential concerns.
Note: Not all items within each “Expectation” criterion will need to be addressed (these items simply form a framework and are suggested components of your overall proposal).
Be sure to review content from the module readings, assigned articles, and other resources relating to health policy. You will need to follow APA format for your paper, including the cover page, headings, citations/references, etc. Refer to the link on the Course Menu for information on APA. Closely read and follow the grading rubric. Refer to the Course Schedule on the Course Menu for the due date.
Paper Guidelines:
Written text should be a minimum of 1,000 words and a maximum of 1,500 words (approximately 4 – 5 pages).
Include a cover page (not included in word/page count).
Attach a separate reference page (not included in word/page count).
Note: Papers exceeding the prescribed word limit will not be graded.
APA format, including:
Double-spaced with 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font or Arial 11-point font.
Use the section headings as follows (you do not need a section heading for the Introduction):
* Policy Identification
* Policy Analysis
* Strategy and Policy Development
* Policy Enactment
* Policy Implementation
Include at least four citations from a peer-reviewed journal article and/or assigned reading to support the rationale for your paper.
Cite all sources in the reference list.
Failure to cite all sources is plagiarism.
Limit the use of direct quotes.
Detailed Instructions:
Write your paper, including these sections:
Provide a brief (one paragraph) introduction with the intention of presenting the topic and the purpose (stated) of your paper to the reader.
Policy Identification (approximately 1/2 to one page)
Write a summary and include the following:
Collect, summarize, and interpret information relevant to a problem or issue (e.g., nature of the problem, causes of the problem).
Define the characteristics (e.g., frequency, severity, scope, economic and budgetary impacts) of the problem or issue.
Describe the characteristics of who the problem or issue affects (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, education level, etc.).
Determine whether there are gaps in the data or if there are areas in need of more information.
Frame the problem or issue in a way that is factual and easy for the audience to understand.
Policy Analysis (approximately one page)
Write a summary and include the following:
Research and identify policy options by conducting an environmental scan and engaging stakeholders.
* The health impact of the policy (morbidity and mortality).
* The costs to implement the policy and how the costs compare
with the benefits (economic and budgetary impacts).
* The political and operational factors associated with adoption
and implementation (feasibility).
* Assess and prioritize policy options.
* Strategy and Policy Development (approximately 1/2 to one
Write a summary and include the following:
Identify how the policy will operate and what is needed for policy enactment and implementation (e.g., understand context and identify experience, knowledge, and abilities needed).
Determine how to engage stakeholders and policy actors.
Consider drafting the policy (law, regulation, procedures, actions, etc.) to share with stakeholders for feedback.
Policy Enactment (approximately 1/2 to one page)
Write a summary and include the following:
Enact laws, regulations, procedures, administrative actions, incentives, or voluntary practice.
Policy Implementation (approximately 1/2 to one page)
Write a summary and include the following:
Translate policy into practice and define standards for implementation.
Implement regulations, guidelines, recommendations, directives, and organizational policies.
Identify indicators and metrics to evaluate implementation and impact of the policy.
Coordinate resources and train personnel to implement policy.
Assess implementation and ensure compliance with policy.
Support post-implementation sustainability of policy.
Provide a brief (one paragraph) summary of your paper.
Within your proposal/analysis, consider the opponents and costs.
What barrier might exist in implementation?
If the program will cost money, is it cost-effective (what savings might there be) and/or how might you pay for the policy in an environment of very scarce resources and already rising costs of health care?
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