Critically evaluate and reflect on your studies during this course. Discuss and explore some of the distinctions, principles, concepts and issues that you encountered in this course Relate and explain the issue using prior research and theories.
• The word limit is 2000. References and Appendices are excluded from the above word limit.
• Appendices should be used sparingly and only if the information is very important. However, detailed information included in the appendices must be summarised and referred to in the main body of the essay.
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• This is a reflective essay that requires you to explore and understand some of the distinctions, principles, concepts and issues that you encountered during this course in either your lectures, workshops or the business simulation. ‘
Distinctions’: Reflect on the lectures, workshop materials and the business simulation. Are there any issues, points or arguments presented that were new or surprising to you? Anything that contradicted your prior assumptions or knowledge.
1: entrepreneurship might not always lead to economic development! ‘Principles & Stories’: Reflect on the principles, concepts, theories or even examples presented in the lectures, workshop materials or in the business simulation case study. Did you understand the rationale and logic of these principles, concepts, theories or examples?
2: Targeting increased market share can be a costly affair! Actions: What you hear, read or experience is essentially stored as short-term memory. As the term suggests this memory is short term and short-lived. Unless you take specific and immediate steps this memory will be lost. You should look at each of the distinctions, principles or stories and take immediate steps to convert them to long term memory, knowledge or deep learning. Action can be anything (not necessarily just the two examples given below) that helps you to convert your short-term memory into something that you will be able to retain over a long period.
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