Purpose To have an understanding of a health issue relevant to education through

To have an understanding of a health issue relevant to education through accessing key research findings in young people’s health using various peer-reviewed and government documents.
‘Examine a health issue relevant to education’
Points to consider:
A minimum of five different sources are to be used throughout the essay. At least, THREE of your sources MUST involve an intervention study. The remaining sources can come from peer reviewed, or other relevant sources (e.g. government documents) that are relevant to the educational context.
Intervention studies must be current, and published in a peer-reviewed journal from 2014 onwards
Other sources should be published within the last 10 years, however it is understood some key sources may be a little older
You must discuss each chosen intervention as part of this task. This discussion should include:
The aim of the intervention
Who participated
The method and measures use to evaluate the intervention
The main intervention outcomes
How it improved / confirmed your health issue in your education sector or how it connects to any other sources you mention
You can choose to focus your essay on Early Childhood, Primary Education, or just ‘education’ in general. Ensure you connect back to ‘education’ and don’t just talk about your health issue in general (e.g. A topic might be ‘CyberBullying in Primary Schools’, not just ‘CyberBullying’.) 
The focus of your task should be on the Australian education system. You may have some sources from overseas research, but you need to connect them back to the Australian education system (Do they connect?/Can the findings be used here?)
Remember for this task, there is an emphasis on the use of recent peer-reviewed research that is relevant to educational contexts – try and choose sources that are ‘research’ focused (not just ‘generic information’). 
All research must focus on children/young people in the Birth – 12 years age group. If an intervention study has a research group of 12-14 year olds, that is acceptable, please do not go any older (we have an ECE and primary age focus in this unit). 
Your essay should have an introduction and conclusion
You may use subheadings to assist in displaying your understanding / assist in connections
You must use APA7 referencing
An appendix MUST be included after your reference list. You appendix must display a screenshot of each intervention study you used (minimum three), which displays the title, author and abstract
Your word count does not include the reference list or appendix. It does include in-text citations.
No key readings are provided. To start the task, you may wish to read/use references/information from your textbook in your area of interest.
Please type using 12-point font and 1.5 spacing
Please be aware that Arial or Times New Roman is generally the accepted font style.
All assessments must be formatted to an A4 page
Allow a left and right-hand margin of at least 2cm in all assignments
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all assessments are successfully submitted.
Faculty assignment cover sheets are NOT required.