Final Project: Theme Study This assignment requires you to create a historical a

Final Project: Theme Study
This assignment requires you to create a historical argument that traces one of the following
themes through the time period covered in this class: ● Movement and migration  A strong project will present an argument that is both specific (“STEM changed society greatly”
is not specific enough) and nuanced, avoiding facile interpretations (“Individual rights have
gotten stronger over time” lacks complexity). The argument does not need to begin exactly in
1865 and end exactly in the present day, but it should span almost all of the time period covered
in this class. ONLY USE THIS AS SECONDARY EVIDENCE FOR SOURCES: .Although we have discussed the history of other countries (e.g. Nazi Germany,
North and South Vietnam) when relevant to course material, your argument should focus on the
United States.
Your source base for the project is all your materials from the semester. 
A strong project will
support the argument using evidence drawn widely from course readings and class activities
(not just the textbook).
For your project deliverable, you have ONE option: A paper, 5–7 double-spaced pages in length. You should
structure your paper as an argumentative essay with standard formatting (double spacing,
standard margins, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, consistent citations).