Assignment Overview – The overarching purpose of this assignment is to encourage

Assignment Overview – The overarching purpose of this assignment is to encourage critical thinking related to the content of KIN 201 in relation to your future career goals. While not everyone will conduct research, most of us will find ourselves working in careers in which we have to consume research and then translate it into practice. A physical therapist will, for example, need to use research-based practices when coordinating rehabilitation programs for clients who are recovering from injuries. Accordingly, it is important to consider how an increased understanding of research methods can help you to improve your practice as a future professional within a given career.
Assignment Description – In approaching this essay, you are encouraged to think critically about what you have learned throughout the semester and how this information and knowledge can help make you a better professional in your given career. You are, therefore, encouraged to engage in an intentional reflective process before you begin writing. You could, for example, begin by making notes or having a conversation with a classmate about what you learned from the course. In addition to the more direct application of course concepts to your career, also consider more indirect influences. For example, learning about research ethics may have raised some issues that made you think differently about working with clients. Similarly, the systematic approach to conducting research may make you think more about how you plan and implement protocols in your work. In addition to reflecting on the influence of course materials, students are invited to provide specific feedback on the course and course structure. This could include, for example, learning experiences and structures that were received positively, as well as recommendations for future changes to improve the course. Student recommendations will be evaluated based on the depth of reflective thought rather than their content.
Specific Criteria – Essays should be at approximately three pages in length (double spaced), although longer submissions will not be penalized. While students may structure essays in any way they please, the following questions can be considered as a loose organizing structure:
Do you see yourself conducting research at any point in your career? Why or why not?
What did you learn in the class that you found to be most relevant to your future career goals? Why was this material of particular relevance to you?
Beyond the application of this course to your future career directly, did you learn anything that you believe will help you in a more indirect way (e.g., research ethics may inform ethics related to work with clients)? Explain.
What recommendations do you have for improving KIN 201 in the future? Explain.
Course Reflection Essay Grading Rubric
Course Reflection Essay Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting, Structure, Grammar, and Spelling
12.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Paper is formatting in accordance to syllabus guidelines and there are few spelling and grammatical errors
9 pts
Paper is formatted in accordance to syllabus guidelines and there are a moderate number of spelling and grammatical errors
6.5 pts
Paper is not formatted in accordance to syllabus guidelines and there are many spelling and grammar errors throughout
0 pts
Component is missing
12.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of Reflective Thought
12.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Essay goes beyond statement of facts/opinions and includes reflection on what the experiences or content mean for the student
9 pts
Reflective thought is evident in the paper, but is underdeveloped or limited, essay falls short of providing an in-depth analysis of what the experiences or content mean for the student
6.5 pts
There is little reflection in the paper, most of the content is only facts/opinions with little interrogation of what the experience or content means for the student
0 pts
Component is missing
12.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment of Content
12.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Content is well developed in relation to the essay prompts provided, all of the questions are answered.
9 pts
Content is mostly developed, but is lacking depth, some of the prompts are not answered completely.
6.5 pts
Content is underdeveloped and depth is severely lacking, several of the prompt(s) or questions are not answered.
0 pts
Component is missing
12.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport for Arguments
12.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Responses to the prompts are fully supported with discussion of personal experiences in the course this semester
9 pts
Responses to the prompts are partially supported with discussion of personal experiences from the course this semester
6.5 pts
Responses to the prompts are not supported (or support is limited) with discussion of personal experiences in the course this semester.
0 pts
Component is missing
12.5 pts
Total Points: 50