I have to do a rhetorical analysis essay on Greg Beatos article “Internet Addict

I have to do a rhetorical analysis essay on Greg Beatos article “Internet Addiction”
Format: Typed, double-spaced, submitted as a word-processing document.
12 point, text-weight font, 1-inch margins.
Length: 1500-1750 words (approx. 5-7 pages)
Overview: in the Analysis Essay, students will analyze, or break down and explain a source text. This analysis will show students’ original thinking and will also offer insight into how one or more social issues are understood by particular communities.
Purpose and Insight
The analysis explains insights connecting the text being analyzed to issues that are important to one or more audiences. The analysis helps readers understand how the text being studied is relevant within the context of a larger community. This insight is clearly articulated in the essay, along with the writer’s purpose.
Focus and Specificity
The essay remains focused on analysis throughout, and does not get sidetracked into argument, evaluation, or simple summary. The writer clearly analyzes ways that the text being studied is effective or ineffective in reaching its audience(s).
Context and Description of Issue
The analysis thoroughly and convincingly reveals what is at stake for one or more groups relevant to the topic the writer has chosen. The background context is coherent and relevant
Organization & Structure
The essay does not simply list writing strategies that the author used in sequence. Instead, the analysis offers a compelling and clear break down of how the text works, focusing on the author’s main strategies and offering several other writing strategies as support for the author’s main idea. The analysis is organized into topics that prioritize some writing strategies over others.
Rhetorical Tools and Writing Strategies
The analysis uses appropriate writing strategies and rhetorical tools to analyze how the text being studied works. The writer makes effective choices about which writing strategies and rhetorical tools to use. Additionally, each rhetorical tool or writing strategy is explained carefully and not just listed without any context or explanation. Writing strategies and rhetorical tools pull from class readings and discussions.
The essay uses specific evidence from the text, including quotations and summary, to illustrate the writer’s analysis. The analysis chooses details from the text carefully in order to capture the specific language and represent important ideas the author of the text uses to reach audiences.
Conventions and Correctness
The writer has accommodated all expected conventions of structure, tone, voice, grammar, and language in the essay without unintentional errors. The analysis follows expected academic conventions for all source material, including examples, citations, and summary.