Two sources per section totaling 4 sources.
Indirect public support of NGOs confers advantages on these organizations in the field of taxation as well as on those individuals and corporations that support the NGOs through donations.
How taxation affect NGO, especially the form of indirect support where the fedearl government waives certain income and thus enables NGOs to “save.”?
This category includes the following:
– exemption from taxes (e.g., property tax, etc)
– tax reductions for NGOs
– tax reductions for donors (who can deduct donations from their tax base) and others.
2)World Bank group and International NGOs continue to support countries by providing grants, low interest credits, policy advice, financial support, capacity development, and debt relief for the poorest.
Please choose one country and provide analysis what organizations helped this country? What projects were financed for selected country?
For example, you can find the list of projects by country of World Bank group :
Example: Ghana
You are welcone to analyze the suport by other International financial organizations (for example, IMF) or Intrenational NGOs.
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