1. Stock Market Project DUE MAY2nd For this project, you will “buy” stocks in at

1. Stock Market Project


For this project, you will “buy” stocks in at least three (no more than 5) different Sport-Relatedcompanies and then track the stocks during the semester. Simply put, you are allowed to buy and sell on only EIGHT selected transaction dates during the semester.

1. It is extremely importance to research a Sport-Related company before purchasing stock (i.e., investing in the company). Therefore, do initial research on the 3 to 5 companies you plan to invest in identify detailed information about those companies explaining why you chose them.

2. Once you have decided which Sport-Related companies to invest in and how much you will be investing, begin keeping a ledger, in the form of an Excel spreadsheet that details your buying, selling, and portfolio values for the eight transaction dates. Use Yahoo! Finance to identify the stock price on EACH transaction date. A spreadsheet example is attached. Use the following dates to do your transactions.

Jan 19 Feb 2 Feb 16 Mar 1 Mar 15 March 29 Apr 12 April 26

3. You have $10,000 and are required to invest at least 50% of the money. You may choose to invest only $5,000 and save the other $5000. You may invest $9999.99 only because you could not buy stocks at such a price as to equal $10,000 exactly. Either way is fine. At the end of the project, when completing the written summary you will need to discuss what value, if any, you found in NOT investing some of the money (i.e., keeping cash reserves).

4. You may adapt the ledger to best suit your needs, but the five areas below are critical.

The ledgers you are required to keep may look confusing, but in essence, you must do the following:

Show how you invested the initial $10,000.
Show how much cash reserve you maintained (if not spending every penny of the $10,000).
Show any buying and selling on the five transaction dates.
Show the portfolio value on all transaction dates (after all buying and selling is completed).
Show, in the end, your Return On Investment (ROI) after all stocks have been liquidated (the last transaction date requires the liquidation of the portfolio).

What to submit for a grade.

1. Written summary

· Describing what you discovered during your initial research of the companies you invested in.

· The value you found in NOT investing some of the money (i.e., keeping cash reserves).

· Reflect on the overall outcome of your investment strategy. Did you make or lose money?

2. Complete Ledger with all required information

The final ledger and summary paper will be graded on content. An emphasis on your critical reflections regarding what was learned in the process. The Excel spreadsheet ledger will be graded on its accuracy, completeness, and auto-calculation.