Topic: Recidivism Rates In U.S Prisons. wanted to address the current issues and

Topic: Recidivism Rates In U.S Prisons.
wanted to address the current issues and provide possible ways to solve the problems.
written in 3rd person
APA style 12pt font Times New Roman
It will be ran through Turnitin
The paper will include a statement of the problem section and a section discussing empirical implications to address the problem. At least half of the paper should focus on your analysis of those issues, providing recommendations for the way forward. This may be in the form of very tangible and specific recommendations, actions that need to be taken to further flesh out the issue(s), or both.
Attached is a sample paper he put out mine does not need to be that good I would be happy with around an 80% on the paper.
The following is the abstract that I have already written(dont have to use mine mostly just a summary for you on what i was doing.he has already looked over my rought draft which was basically just my abstract)
This paper will demonstrate issues regarding a specific topic in criminal justice. The topic of interest is the recidivism rates of prison systems in the United States. Specifically, ex-offenders because when they are released with significant economic and societal obstacles that often prevent them from thriving, therefore pushing them back to crime, and back into the prison system. The purpose of this paper is to explore options on how to fix this ongoing problem with the United States prison system. In this paper, we will explore ways to potentially aid/solve these issues with a little help from the U.S. government and taxpayer dollars. The ability to have rehabilitation centers and affordable housing available to ex-convicts once they get out could be beneficial and not make them resort to going to halfway houses. Once discussed with options and reaching out to government officials, there should be a way to fix the U.S. prison system with just a little help from the authorities. The issue is that prisoners are not seen as human to a lot of people and a lot of people think that they don’t deserve rights because they did the crime. Sure this can be true in some cases, but what about all the non-violent offenders in prisons around the country for drug charges, property crimes etc Everyone deserves a right to live their life again even it means mandatory rehab that actually works or house arrest after release. Hopefully, this paper will demonstrate enough of the good to outweigh the bad effects of helping the prisoners out and giving them the benefit of the doubt, and giving them a chance to turn their life around for good.