ELG101: Discovering Language Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: Demonstrate the articulation of the words in the above data set using the International Phonetic

Section A
Answer all questions in this section.

Question 1
Examine the data set below.
i. plough
ii. cough
iii. tough
iv. through
v. though
a) Demonstrate the articulation of the words in the above data set using the
International Phonetic Association (IPA) Transcription.

b) Applying your understanding of linguistic concepts, identify and describe the patterns observed in the above data set.

c) Using data from English, provide another example of your own which exhibits the same linguistic pattern observed in the above data set.

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Question 2

Examine the following sentences.
i. Peter is not sleeping.

ii. Kaahore taatou e haere ana aapoopoo
NEG 1PL.INCL T/A move T/A tomorrow
‘We are not going tomorrow.’

iii. e-n syö-nyt omena-a
NEG-1SG eat-PTCP apple-PART
‘I didn’t eat an apple.

iv. Je ne parle pas français.
1SG NEG speak NEG French
‘I do not speak French.’

v. Ey fotostat tew-te-e
1SG photostat do-NEG-ASP
‘I haven’t made copies.’

Note: ASS – Assertive voice marker, INCL – inclusive, NEG – negation, PART –
particle, PL – plural, PTCP – participle, SG – singular, T/A – Tense/Aspect.

a) Identify the morphemes which mark negation in the data above.
b) Examine the data sets. Describe and explain how negation is marked in each
c) Applying your understanding of linguistic concepts and using evidence from
the above data sets, identify and explain one conclusion which you can draw
about how speakers use language to communicate the idea of negation.

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