7 Page research paper on oral communication in MLA format. The relationship betw

7 Page research paper on oral communication in MLA format. The relationship between emotional intelligence and intrapersonal communication. 
Details that should be added to the paper; Emotional Intelligence Is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions. Once you can manage yours you can manage others.
Example- people with a high degree of emotional intelligence, know what they are feeling and know what they mean, and how those feelings can affect others around them
debbie downer- a negative person. A lower degree of emotional intelligence, they are not aware of how they’re affecting other people.
Identify that emotion then self regulate that emotion, stay in control of how you feel. Manage your communication (whats your intent). 
On intrapersonal these are the details: The first step of connecting with others is understanding how we connect within
Communication starts within ( Intrapersonal Communication). How you connect and
understand you will allow you to properly connect and understand others.
Our words hold power. Be mindful of how you speak about yourself. If you constantly
speak negatively about yourself, and speak with doubt and uncertainty about yourself ,
you are more likely to invite those results to your life.
Even when you are faced with some level of adversity, you must speak life and strength
inside of you, speak confidence and courage and these results are more likely to
happen for you.
When there is no way … tell yourself you will find a way!Defined as:
Intrapersonal communication, (Intrapersonal intelligence) communication within the
individual, is an area of study that will be the foundation and the root to all areas of
Your Intrapersonal communication entails how you see yourself , your self concept,
your self awareness, your ability to self evaluate, how you value yourself How
you feel about yourself will depict how you connect with others. It affects how you
negotiate. It affects your belief in what you can achieve. Your intrapersonal
communication can limit you or prepare you to be limitless.
Intrapersonal communicationI is the communication that takes place within when he or
she is communicating with others, and, when he or she is alone and thinking to himself
or herself.
In any conversation between two people there are four conversations that are actually
taking place.
➢ Who you think you are ( How you see yourself/what you think of yourself)
➢ Who you think they think you are ( how does he or she see me/What does he or
she think of me)
➢ Who they think they are ( How they see their self )
➢ Who they think you think they are ( how they think you see them )
To translate or offer clarity: The conversation you are having with them, the
conversation you are having with yourself , the conversation they are having with you
and the conversation they are having with themselves.
Requirements; Your paper should be between 7 and 10
pages (not including Works Cited, Abstract, Title Page, etc.)
It should be double spaced, with one-inch margins and be prepared in 12 point New Times Roman font.
Paragraphs should be indented and there should be no extra space between paragraphs. For this course
you should use MLA . There should be in-text citations for the tittles you use as references. You should
include a minimum of five references with no more than 2 from the Internet. Internet sources must be
.edu, .gov, .org. but should not be .com. You should review The College of New Rochelle’s library data
base for journal articles on the topic you have selected.