For this assignment you’ll be assuming the role of a podcast guest who has been

For this assignment you’ll be assuming the role of a podcast guest who has been called upon to discuss the criminal justice system. You will be the expert in this scenario; the person who is giving the information, not the person who’s asking the questions. (although if you can’t find a helper you may have to play both roles)
Use your imagination and be as creative as you wish to get into this discussion, but ultimately you should be the person explaining the information.  Add context, music, whatever you think will boost interest. (Hint: it would make this whole thing much easier if you had a partner to work with [classmate or otherwise] who would play the role of “Podcast host asking the questions” to facilitate your discussion)  To formulate your questions for this event, take a look at the bullets below. (These are the only questions you need to answer unless you wish to add additional content)
Once you have thought about how you will create your podcast show,  it is then time to look at the topics of discussion. The learning objectives you have been working toward this whole class will be the questions you will discuss on your radio appearance:
Explain the importance of professional ethics, training and skills in promoting equal justice within the probation and parole systems.
Outline current challenges to supervising probation and parole populations in a community setting.
Describe the use of correctional-related technologies toward the assessment, classification and management of juvenile and adult offenders.
Describe the historic evolution probation and parole and contemporary preference for community corrections.
Summarize 3 evidence-based practices in offender management, program evaluation and correctional administration (1 each).
Describe the challenges to achieving equality in offender management where special-needs populations are concerned.
Create your podcast show by using freeware from (Links to an external site.), a podcast making software. Only use the freeware, do not pay for any advanced benefits or features. Again, view the How To video in the Resource module.
On it’s face this seems easy, but as you think about it a bit you’ll see that this will take some imagination and leaning on the resources you’ve been provided throughout the course, so give yourself enough time to create the dialogue. ***I’ll be expecting to hear significant and overt reference to many of the materials you used throughout the course. You’ll be expected to “verbally cite” them by specifically referencing them in your conversation.
For the podcast: you can use as much imagination as you want and take it whichever way you wish as long as you answer the bullets above. The only limit is your own creativity. I would suggest a theme, such as “late night talk show host” but it’s totally up to you. Record your podcast and when done, get a sharable link, email it to yourself to make sure it works, and post that link to Canvas.
You will be graded on the substance and rigor of material you provide for each bullet,  not your ability to create a podcast. I’m looking for substance here, so depth and breadth of conversation is VERY important. I’ve provided you with a lot of info and the internet is at your fingertips so there’s no reason this wouldn’t be a very thorough conversation. I would expect that you’ll incorporate no less than 3 resources into your discussion.  Entertaining and imaginative podcasts will get a 10% bonus. Good luck and enjoy! Please recall that this assignment is worth a significant portion of your final grade so give it plenty of attention and effort.
Here are some samples from a previous course. It different content but the idea and format is the same:
Less creative but thorough— (Links to an external site.)
More creative– (Links to an external site.)
Interview style–