For this assignment, write an essay that should be six to seven paragraphs in length on a debatable topic regarding an interpretation Oedipus the King. The entire paper should be written in standard MLA 9 th ed. formatting. You may also write about another theatrical work of choice from the ancient world through the 1800’s. You will need at least three to four scholarly articles that represent the proponents of your view. There should be at least one source representing the opponents of your stance that you will refute in the paper. You may acknowledge opposing views that you have thought of and refute them with valid evidence from the literary work and scholarly sources. A works cited page including the literary work and three to four scholarly sources should be documented in MLA 9 th ed. formatting. Cite the literary work and the sources throughout the body paragraphs. There should be a conversation among scholars that ties into your perspective in each body paragraph. There should be paragraphs building your stance through the implementation of the proponents of your point of view and the text itself. Also, there should be paragraphs where you refute an opposing view with a scholarly source and illustrations from the text that ties into your thesis. These paragraphs should be constructed in a chronological order of importance to build your argument. There should be two to three citations per body paragraph. Cite a play as follows: (Title of the work Act. Scene. Line), or (Playwright, lines specify the numbers). Focus on one central point of interpretation regarding either themes/motifs, symbolism, characterization, or issues within the plot in connection to the most prevalent historical undertones, cultural views, religious views, political views, gender constructs, etc. in your thesis and throughout your paper. Include any rough drafts, outlines, and scholarly articles with the final copy of the paper in this portfolio. The paper should include a clearly stated introduction that draws your reader in using an anecdote or a question, along with a specific thesis, specific body paragraphs that present a conversation among scholars in connection to your thesis, and a conclusion paragraph that explains how you proved your thesis based on the illustrations you provided in the body paragraphs. Throughout the paper, thematic patterns, scholarly concepts, and the purpose of the work should be illustrated based on your interpretation of the author’s views, along with the inclusion of literary criticism as a mode of interpretation. Read the attached guidelines for the paper. There should be a minimum of three to a maximum of six scholarly sources included in the paper. Reference literary critics as you present a conversation among scholars to prove your interpretation.
Write the research paper to reach a specific, scholarly audience through the lens of a variety of issues including, but not limited to historical debates, cultural issues, religious issues, among other philosophies used to present an original, debatable interpretation of the plot that is specific. You may concede with another scholar’s point of view, or refute opposing views with valid logic. In order to reach your audience effectively, you will need to address and acknowledge opposing views to present an unbiased argument. An explanation of various views among scholars within the range of literary criticism is a guide for your focus here. Focus on how your reader can view the main points of interpretation as ones that are still relevant in our world today.
The purpose of this assignment is for you, as the scholar, to contribute to scholarship through presenting a contextualized interpretation of the literary work, particularly a theatrical work we have discussed. Indicate how the literary work can not only be seen in a greater context within the timeframe in which it was written, but also explain how it can still be seen as being relevant in our world today. Give specific examples and illustrations. This will cultivate an awareness and understanding of the depth of the literature from a multifaceted viewpoint as you engage with scholarly conversations regarding a particular vantage point of interpretation. Your progress as a scholar will be facilitated through this assignment.
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