Instructions:  Must be at least 1500 words. (This does not include the Works Cit

Must be at least 1500 words. (This does not include the Works Cited/References page, title page, or any other extra material.)  It’s OK to go over the word count, but not OK to go under.
Must cite at least five high-quality sources, at least 3 of which must be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources. 
Must contain each of the five sections listed above.
Write an I-Search paper about your research process and findings.  An I-Search paper is similar to a traditional research paper in that the purpose is to discover information. Unlike a traditional research paper, however, an I-Search paper is more informal and process-oriented. You will use the word “I” and you will discuss your process of doing research—what you learned, how you learned it, what surprised you, what puzzled you, what frustrated you, and so forth.
Your paper will contain these five sections:
What I knew and didn’t know about this topic;
WhyI’m writing this paper;
The story of the “hunt”—the research process;
Discuss your results and give support. Cite your sources. Write at least one paragraph for each major research result. Support your findings with quotations, paraphrases, and summaries of information from sources.
What you learned about the research process.