The variables worksheet and excel sheet are in the signature assignment tab on the left.
Do the variables worksheet. Just follow the instructions. Once you complete it, you can send it to me if you like so I can check it.
The variables worksheet gives you one year of data, now use those formulas to fill in the excel sheet for all the years. It is just dragging the first equation down the column.
Make your three graphs. Each will have 2 lines on them.
Then write a short, one-page paper on these things…….Your paper will be 5 paragraphs…..Where did US minimum wage come from, where did the poverty thresholds come from, and what do your three graphs mean (A paragraph for each graph). Your explanations should tell a story. It should not be a mathematical explanation. List your sources for paragraph one and two.
You can collaborate on the graphs and data, but NOT on the one page paper.
Turn the excel sheet (which will have your data and graphs on it) and the one page paper in under the signature assignment tab.
If you want to talk about it, make an office hours appointment with me on blackboard or send me an email.
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