In the TedTalk by, Posner asks the question “Why would anyone follow you? ” He believes the answer to that question is that we follow people who we believe are credible – competent, honest, forward-thinking, and inspirational. He goes on to say, “People will not believe the message if they don’t believe in the messenger.”
Write a 4-page paper explaining the importance of credibility as the foundation for effective leadership and why, according to Kouzes and Posner, the majority of people will willingly follow a leader who is honest, competent, inspiring and forward-looking. Use credibility, honesty, competence, inspiration, and forward-looking as the themes of the five sections of your paper!
Provide an example of credibility success or failure from your life or work history. Cite at least one Biblical passage and two scholarly sources that reinforce the need for credibility.
Remember to include a title page, abstract, running header, and references page (in APA format) with your submission. These do not count toward the total page count.
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