Capstone Case Final Report
Your final report will be a Word document with your final answers to each task from Interim Reports 1 and 2 (copy those tasks and provide your final answers after applying the feedback you received below each).
1. Between the one most important internal misalignment (identified in your interim report 1) and the one most important external misalignment (identified in your interim report 2) pick the one that you think is crucial to be addressed by the firm first.
2. Identify, list and briefly describe at least three possible ways the firm could remedy the ONE primary misalignment you picked above.
3. Evaluate the alternatives from #2 above. Briefly describe the criteria and process you used to evaluate the alternatives.
4. Describe your final recommendation (the best alternative your picked in your evaluation from the 3 alternatives you suggested) for how the firm should execute a strategic change to remedy the primary misalignment and most effectively enhance their ability to achieve and sustain superior performance in their industry.
Note”I gave you all the information U have to read my interim one and two also its reading and my professor’s comment I provided you 5 documents which u need to write the final
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