demonstrate the knowledge gained throughout the course and develop an integrated marketing communications (IMC) campaign for a brand of your choice.

demonstrate the knowledge gained throughout the course and develop an integrated marketing communications (IMC) campaign for a brand of your choice. The report will also be presented in class following professional protocols as if you were pitching the campaign to your selected brand. You need to include the following sections:

• All formalities: Cover page, table of contents, in-text citations, professional presentation with headings and formatting, adequate visuals.

Brand assessment: Explain the mission of the brand and the brand personality using Aaker’s framework. Justify your selection (screenshots of the brand,
elements of brand personality, etc.).Customer segments & target: Explain 3 to 5 segments that the company would target, briefly describing each one, and then select the one that you will
target for this campaign, developing the buyer persona and paying special attention to the media habits of the audience.Campaign objective: Explain the objective of the campaign you created, what do you want to achieve and communicate to the target audience?
Highlight the value that it has to the brand and to the target audience. Get inspired with a successful real campaign from another sector. Present the
video or a graphic element of the campaign and the results obtained.Media channels selection: Explain the selection of channels and the type of content you will have in each one. What are the channels you are going to
use in the campaign and how will you use them? Remember that they should be integrated – channels “complement” each other as much as possible Define weather they are Paid/Owned/Earned media
Define how are you going to measure success.Graphic example: Present the campaign concept. Include a graphic example of how the campaign looks like in two or three of the channels that you have explained in the previous section (e.g.: billboard and Instagram post). If you develop a video, present the Video story board make sure to include screenshots and a link to the video.List of references: Besides the in-text citations, include all sources used to develop this work.


Report: Wordcount: 1500-2000 words.Presentation: a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 13 slides for the presentation.Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total word count. Harvard’s citation style must be used.