all answer should be used from the matterial provided ,all answers are there.
• To identify which question you answer, please write Q1/1 answer…, Q1/2
answer…., and do not
repeat/copy the questions. This is requested to ensure you do not generate a
high similarity score in
Turnitin. Note that if we cannot unambiguously identify the questions your
answers address, we will
not be able to mark your submission.
• To show your understanding of the content, and that you are answering the
questions asked (rather
than adding all the information you can find about a topic), make sure that
your answers are concise
and to the point. Your submission cannot be longer than 6 pages (you must use
standard margins
and a font size of 11).
• The questions presented in your worksheet require you to reflect on and piece
together information
you have learnt throughout the semester. To get full marks, you need to clearly
demonstrate that
you understood the learning material and are able to apply the acquired
knowledge. When marking,
we are looking for connections to be clearly stated, unambiguously written, and
well-reasoned. We
expect high-quality and convincing writing, where the meaning is clear,
relevant terminology is used,
and which reflects engagement with the unit. Do not be afraid of using dot
points wherever you can;
simple, concise, and clear writing is far superior to a word salad or to
several paragraphs without
• You must work on the same file from start to finish and not copy-paste your
final answers into a
brand-new document.
• Referencing: All/almost all questions can be answered based on the learning
material that we have
discussed in the LEO modules and workshops, and if that is where your
information comes from, no
referencing of BIOL122 material is needed. However, if you present any
information that has not
been written or communicated to you by BIOL122 staff, you must indicate its
source. Without
adequately indicating where such information has been sourced from, it will not
be considered when
marking and you may be referred to the academic misconduct unit for review.
Hints/feedback from previous semesters.
• Take care that your answers have the expected level of depth, the question
instruction will often ask
you to explain which will require you to make meaningful connections between
ideas. We are
particularly keen on seeing evidence of your critical thinking skills.
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