Purpose: In this assignment, you will create a brochure that brings attention to homelessness in Oregon. The goals of this assignment including learning to synthesize sociological arguments into digestible pieces of information for a lay audience, analyzing a social problem affecting your own community, and learning to use data to make informed arguments.

Instructions: In the last few years, Oregon has faced an increasing housing and homelessness crisis. Homelessness is not just an individual issue, but a social problem. Recognizing it as a social problem has implications for how we address this issue. For this assignment, you will examine data about homelessness in Clatsop County and Oregon and create a brochure that you could share to spread awareness about, and solutions to, the problem.

Begin by reading the following:

Chapter 4 of the textbook
CW: Mention of sexual assault
How homelessness in Oregon started, grew, and became a statewide issue
Clatsop County Included in Homelessness State of Emergency
Oregon Homeless Data from 2017
The United States of Homelessness, 2018
Oregon Homeless Data
Then, create brochure that responds to the following prompt:

Describe houselessness in Oregon as a social problem. What makes it a social problem? What is a potential solution to the problem?
To create your brochure, follow the following formatting and content guidelines:

For the brochure, you must use this template.
The template includes a mix of sections that gives you instructions on what you must include and sections that explain how to change the template.
Please adhere to the instructions in places where you are asked to include information specific to the assignment.
Your brochure must include a mix of images and text. You may keep the images already in the template, or use different ones.
You may change the colors and text size and type, but the brochure must be readable.
You must cite a minimum of four of the sources listed above:
You should cite Chapter 4 and the article titled “How homelessness in Oregon started, grew and became a statewide issue”. The other two citations from the above list are up to you.
To cite, you must use hyperlinks. Do not include in-text citations as outlined in the How to Cite Your Sources page.
To make a hyperlink in Word, highlight the information that you wish to cite, right click on the highlighted text and scroll down the menu to “Hyperlink.” Click on “Hyperlink” and then add the website address to Address box.
This is an example of a hyperlink. The link directs you to instructions for how to create a hyperlink.
You will use hyperlinks to cite your sources in the op-ed, so this is good practice.
Your brochure should be 500-600 words, excluding titles.
Your brochure must include a minimum of three statistics about houselessness in Oregon.
Include the word count in the designated area.