Understanding the Evolutionary Dynamics of Yellow Fever  Main question: How was

Understanding the Evolutionary Dynamics of Yellow Fever 
Main question: How was Yellow Fever disease infected by an arbovirus?
BP1: What is Yellow fever and where/when was it found?(Symptoms ,structure, transmission) 
MI: Yellow fever is an epidemic-prone mosquito-borne vaccine preventable disease that is transmitted to humans by the bites of infected mosquitoes. It is caused by an arbovirus. Common symptoms include fever, muscle pain, headache, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting. Mosquitoes acquire the virus by feeding on infected primates (human or non-human) and then can transmit the virus to other primates (human or non-human).
BP2: What are the mechanisms by which viruses evade the host immune system to establish infection and propagate(spread) within the host?
MI: When a virus infects a host, a complex immune response develops to eliminate the invading pathogen. Viruses have evolved a profusion of strategies to escape from the immune system.  Viruses can avoid detection by both innate and adaptive immune responses. Viruses can express proteins that directly interfere with host processes or mimic host proteins and compete to bind specific receptors. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9780470015902.a0024790#:~:text=Viruses%20can%20express%20proteins%20that,to%20the%20site%20of%20infection.
BP3:What are the ecological factors influencing the spread of mosquito-borne viruses such as Yellow Fever, and how can this knowledge inform public health strategies for vector control and disease prevention?
Vaccination: a protection against harmful disease/virus before you go into contact with it
Vector control: Vector control is any method to limit or eradicate the mammals, birds, insects or other arthropods which transmit disease pathogens. 
Epidemic preparedness and response: planned strategies and activities to face in an emergency situation during a given period.
Thesis statement:  Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of Yellow Fever, a viral disease transmitted bymosquitoes, involves exploring its origins and interactions with the host immune system. The study of Yellow Fever’s historical background, is crucial to understanding structural and symptomatic traits. Additionally, Yellow Fever offers valuable awareness for informing public health strategies.