The “Titanic Survival: Exploratory Data Analysis” Excel spreadsheet contains data for 700 of the real Titanic passengers. Each row represents one person. The columns describe different attributes about the passengers including whether they survived (Survived), their social-economic status (Pclass), their gender (Gender), their age (Age), and the fare they paid (Fare).
You will start with 500 randomized records. Please refer to the detailed instruction in the Excel Tasks Step 1.
Excel Tasks:
1. Collect: Start with the work by creating your individual sample dataset. In the “DefineCollectRawData” worksheet, sort the “recordShuffler” column from smallest to largest (descending). Copy the first randomized 500 rows of raw data (only Column C to G) to ‘OrganizeVisualizeDataset’ worksheet, then proceed with the following tasks. Do not include the labels.
2. Organize and visualize: Investigate who survived from the disaster by creating three pivot tables and charts. Please answer and complete the subquestions in ‘OrganizeVisualizeDataset’ worksheet (refer to Chapter 4 in TSIY).
3. Analyze: Create a descriptive statistic table on “Fare” in ‘OrganizeVisualizeDataset’ worksheet. What is the average and standard deviation for the survivors?
Note: All of your pivot tables, bar charts, and descriptive statistics summary table should be created in ‘OrganizeVisualizeDataset’ worksheet.
After completing your analysis in Excel, prepare one PowerPoint presentation (8-12 slides). The presentation should include speaker notes and address the following:
1. Introduction Slide (Define): Define the problem
2. Collect Slide: Describe the raw data set and your individual sample data with randomized 500 data records.
3. Organize and Visualize Slides: Include your pivot tables and bar charts.
4. Analyze Slides: Include your descriptive statistics on Fare and findings from your three pivot tables and charts, then discuss the impacting factors on surival rate.
5. Conclusion: Compare your data analysis results with a Titanic research fact. Does your sample support the Titanic research facts you found?
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