The semester-long project for this course is the term paper on one of the minority identities discussed in the textbook. In this paper, you will want to address the issues facing the particular minority group, theoretical perspectives on minority status, and policy suggestions based on political ideology to create racial equity. This assignment will assist the students with developing a greater understanding of how minority status affects individuals in society.
Your final submission for the Term Paper assignment should a 10 page APA format paper that answers the following questions:
• Why is this identity a minority identity? In other words what prejudices, discriminations, and stereotypes are members of this group subject to?
• What is the history of this group in US society? How have they assimilated or remained separate?
• Which sociological theories can help frame the experiences of members of this group?
• Which government policies affect members of this group, and which have been targeted at members of this group?
This paper should be 10 pages in length and follow APA format.
The final submission should include a title page, an abstract page, a reference page for sources in APA format, page numbering, a running header, and any visual representations (graphs, charts, etc) necessary to understand the topic.
All of these items are to be included in the page count.
Your annotated bibliography will not be included in this submission. Please remove the annotations to create the reference page.
Each of the three components of the Term Paper will be submitted through its own individual assignment. All three components must be submitted to achieve potentially full points; i.e. if the final submission is the only submission, students will not receive points for the first two components. Refer to the Term Paper Final Submission rubric for further information on grading requirements.
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