The Paper:  This paper gives you the opportunity to put into practice what you h

The Paper: 
This paper gives you the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned about ethnohistory and Native American history in this class.  Your paper will be a close reading of primary documents put into historical context (THIS IS FROM THE TEXTBOOK “FIRST PEOPLES” BY COLIN G. CALLOWAY THAT I WILL PROVIDE-THESE ARE FOUND AT THE END OF EACH CHAPTER). For this assignment you may use anything from the course textbook “First Peoples.”  
However, you are not allowed to use any sources that have not been assigned or that aren’t from the “First Peoples” textbook.  Any papers that use outside sources will receive a failing grade.  (PLEASE NO OUTSIDE SOURCES-USE ONLY CHAPTERS I HAVE PROVIDED)
The paper should address the following question(s):  
Read pages 1-5 in the introduction to the course textbook “First Peoples.” This includes the sections titled “America’s Master Narrative,” and “Indian History: A Shared Past.”  (I HAVE PROVIDED THIS)
QUESTIONS: How does the “master narrative” of American history that is commonly taught in schools change if we view that history from the standpoint of Native American peoples?  What would be the major themes/turning points/developments in American history when viewed from the perspective of Native Americans?  Be sure to explicily relate this to the “master narrative” that is discussed on pages 1-5 of the textbook introduction. 
The paper should demonstrate the uses of these sources by analyzing them and placing them into the historical context you have discovered through the secondary readings.  You may of course draw on information you’ve gotten from the textbook. 
This paper should be told in your voice, meaning that you should limit the amount of direct quotes (paraphrase whenever possible!)  
If you summarize your entire textbook or other secondary sources while minimally developing your overall analysis and argument, you will not have met the requirements for this assignment. 
Also—be sure that you make use of the primary documents taken from the end of every chapter, but realize that we have studied how and why some documents can be problematic.  When using the primary documents, be sure to incorporate the documents into your overall argument; don’t just summarize the document summaries and introductions…use the ideas and words of the people you are studying to support an argument (thesis) that you develop throughout your paper. (NOTE: I PROVIDED ALL PRIMARY DOCUMENTS- I CIRCLED IN RED THE START OF THE DOCUMENTS BUT I HIGHLIGHTED THE TITLES OF THE DOCUMENTS IN YELLOW- SO IT IS EASIER TO SEE OR FIND)
Be sure to begin your paper with a thesis statement. Use specific examples as evidence for your points, and avoid unsupported generalizations. You are writing a piece of history.
The paper should be approximately 4-5 pages long, typed and double spaced w/ 1” margins on all sides and using 12 point times new roman font. If you use google docs to type your paper, you will need to download as a PDF to submit the paper via turnitin (HE’S GOING TO MAKE US TURN IT IN TO TURNITIN)  
All quotes and ideas taken from the documents or other readings must be cited using parenthetical citations. For the textbook, use the author’s last name and the section cited.  Example: (Calloway, 135).  
Plagiarism (representing the ideas of another as your own) is unacceptable and will result in a grade of 0 on this assignment.  Also, you are allowed to use ONLY the assigned materials from this class (including the text, other assigned articles, and lectures/videos.  If you use any other sources (including unassigned texts/articles or web sources) you will receive no credit for the paper.
This paper should be cumulative in nature, meaning that you should think about American history from beginnings to the present, and include appropriate examples to support your argument.  Keep the following requirements in mind: 
You should include a discussion of examples from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries (at least one per century). (I PROVIDED A CHAPTER FOR EACH CENTURY WITH PRIMARY DOCUMENTS)
Your paper should incorporate at least five of the primary documents found at the end of the textbook chapters.  (PROVIDED AT END OF EACH CHAPTER-CIRCLED THE START OF THE DOCUMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTED TITLE OF DOCUMENTS IN YELLOW)
Though the paper is cumulative, of course you cannot write a total revision of American history in just 4 or 5 pages.  (READ THIS PLEASE!) Therefore, your thesis statement needs to be clear and concise about your argument and the evidence that supports your argument.  The rest of the paper is your development of that specific argument.  
Remember this paper is a major part of your final course grade.  The final copy should be polished and reflect mature deliberation and analysis of the material that we studied this semester (I JUST PROVIDED THE TEXTBOOK)
Tips for Success on the Term Paper Assignments
When completing the term paper, keep the following tips in mind: 
Your grade will largely be determined by argument and evidence.  
Be sure that you have a clearly stated thesis statement that clearly answers the prompt.  This should be somewhere in the introduction. 
Your evidence should directly support the argument that you are making.  Do more than summarize the evidence– analyze it and tell the reader how it supports your argument.  
Follow the standard format for an argumentative essay: introduction, body/evidence, and conclusion 
The evidence used to support your argument is more than your opinion— you are developing an argument based on evidence.  
Most importantly– think critically about your subject and show that you are able to analyze evidence.  Remember what we discussed in week 1–  history can be complex and messy, and easy answers are often not available.  Your term papers are a good place to demonstrate the complexity of historical analysis. 
Be sure to review the rubric for the essay!  
FOLLOWING CHAPTERS I HAVE PROVIDED for evidence with primary documents at end of chapter:
Textbook for course: Sixth Edition- “First Peoples A Documentary Survey of American Indian History” by Colin G. Calloway
(18th Century- 1763-1800) Chapter 4: Revolutions East and West, 1763-1800 (pages. 192-238)
(19th Century-1840-1890) Chapter 6: Defending the West, 1840-1890 (pages.304-358)
(20th Century-1929-1974) Chapter 8: From the Great Crash to Wounded Knee, 1929-1974 (pages. 436-489)
(Present) Chapter 10: Nations within a Nation: Indian Country Today (pages.566-633)
Textbook “First Peoples” and Table of Contents
Textbook: “First Peoples” -Introduction-American Indians in American History (pg.1-5)
I attached the table of contents- in case you see a chapter you like and feel it would be best to help you write the essay-you can let me know and I will provide it.
Please feel free to ask me questions if you have any concerns! Or if you cannot see the pdfs provided.
Again, please only use the pdf’s I have provided from the textbook-NO OUTSIDE SOURCES- ALL PAGE NUMBERS ARE THERE.