Please write a reflection paper (not a research paper) ranging from 3 to 4 pages. The paper must be written in collegiate-level English, 12-inch font, double-spaced, and have a title page. Below you will find the options for your paper. Good luck!
1. Examine, explore, and explain the concept of self-management, and the various aspects and components.
2. Examine, explore, and explain the concept of habit reversal procedures, and the various aspects and components.
3. Examine, explore, and explain any combination of the concepts of self-management and habit reversal procedures, as well as their various aspects and components.Use the concepts as a foundation for your paper, as you utilize personal reflections and personal examples to examine, explore, and explain the concept or concepts that you choose. I want to emphasize again that this is not a research paper, but rather a personal reflection paper. I want to hear your voice as you display your understanding of the concept(s). At least 75% of your paper should be your personal reflection, and personal understanding of the material.
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