Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has revolutionised public health microbiology. Tra

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has revolutionised public health microbiology. Tracking the transmission of pathogens between their natural reservoir to humans is critical for outbreak (epidemic/pandemic) detection. 
Using an example of a bacterial or viral pathogen describe and explain the following: i. the natural reservoir and characteristics of the pathogen, ii. how genetics and WGS could be used to facilitate pathogen detection, iii. how WGS could be used for outbreak detection and surveillance purposes (give an example of an outbreak), iv. the anticipated future applications, limitations, and challenges associated with the use of WGS in public health microbiology.
– use :Tuberculosis 
Please return as word document not exceeding 3000 words (excluding tables, figure legends, and references). 
Please useonly references from peer-reviewed journals (Numbered Style/Vancouver
Do not include references from sites that have not been peer reviewed
Abstract of no more than 250 words
structure the main part of the report to have Introduction, main section addressing the questions, and a brief Conclusion section.