ASSIGNMENT 3: ETHICS IN RESEARCH  – Assignment 3 comprises two problems.  – The

– Assignment 3 comprises two problems. 
– The students are required to address both problems.
Assignment 3 should be dealt with in 1,000 words (± 250 words) in total. 
Problem 1: 
Ragnhild and Rune want to study adult students’ experiences with violent conflicts in childhood and the possible
effects of these. They will use an electronic (web-based) questionnaire with the possibility of completely anonymous
reporting. They want to recruit participants from lectures. What research ethical challenges do they face, what must
they do, where must they possibly apply or register the project, and which legislation applies to this study?
Problem 2:
While planning the study, Ragnhild and Rune hear about a national project that will investigate violence and sexual
abuse among students in secondary school (aged 12-16). This has not previously been done in Norway, and
several ministries believe it is important to gain this knowledge. In the study, the students themselves provide
consent to participate, while the parents are only informed about the study. It is stated in the information letter that
all respondents will remain anonymous. The students use their own school PC to answer and log on to an online
portal with a unique code linked to the individual’s name. Ragnhild and Rune wonder what research ethics
assessments have been made in this project, and whether there is anything objectionable about the project.