Using either Yahoo Finance or Google, select a publicly-traded company and examine its financial statements in a paper of between 750 and 1475 words (3 to 5 pages). You should present an overview of the company, answering the following questions from the financial statements: What were the company’s total assets, total liabilities, and total stockholders’ equity amounts at the end of the fiscal year? What was the company’s total noncurrent liabilities for the fiscal year? What was the company’s total operating expenses? What was the company’s current ratio for the fiscal year? For the fiscal year, did the company have a cash inflow or cash outflow from investing activities? How much? For the fiscal year, how much was the company’s cash flow from operating activities? Compute the company’s total asset turnover for the fiscal year. What was the company’s net income for the year? What was the company’s earnings per share (basic only)? Compute the company’s net profit margin. How much cash and cash equivalents did the company report at the end of the fiscal year? Compute the debt ratio. Your paper should: Demonstrate your familiarity with each financial statement and its importance. Discuss the interrelationships among the statements. Provide an overall evaluation of the financial health of the selected company based on the statements. Speculate how these statements might be used by the business for data-informed decision making. Be properly documented in APA style, showing the sources of all outside information. Be sure to: Follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA style). Convey your understanding of the readings and concepts and their application to the topic. Write in an organized and coherent way. Check for and correct spelling, sentence structure, and grammatical errors. Demonstrate graduate-level analytical skills.
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