Hi please use attached essay content , rewrite to encorporate below feedback.
The strengths of this work are:
You identified key themes and stakeholders. The poster follows the recommended structure and it is clear throughout and aligned to the narration.
Areas for development:
It is unclear what is the leadership challenge in question. You have mentioned several things, but your background does not address a specific leadership challenge. It then moves on to the area of leadership addressed, however the case scenario does not indicate any instances where this was shown. It seems transformational leadership addressed here, better fits the recommendations or even reflection chapters. You need to provide a more focused leadership style where you can identify leadership theories, approaches and styles so you can later link this to the recommendations where a change would be expected. Servant leadership and adaptive leadership are considered more styles than approaches. For approaches you would be thinking of transactional, transformational or situational. The discussion then provides communication strategies and conflict resolution techniques, however this needs to be further explored and critically analysed. It is unclear in what context due to lack of background specification. There is a list of recommendations mostly based in the decision-making framework, there is no mention of recommended leadership styles or approaches. Please remember the reflection chapter is not only on lessons learnt from the case but overall, and how you will use these to inform future practice.
Feed forward for your next assessment:
Appropriate for the formative, however, ensure you write in the third person for your summative. Arguments must be well evidenced. Please ensure your in-text citations are adequate, please ensure you reference appropriately and according to the NMPC guidance (APA 7th style).
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