Questions to Answer in the Project
Instructions: Read the Case Study and Answer the following Questions.
Please do Questions 1,2,and 3 in this excel file itself (you may insert rows as needed)
Please do Question 4 in a word document and submit as a PDF file.
For question 4: Prepare a two-page memorandum as requested by Mr. Johnstone. The
memo should be divided into sections describing liquidity,
asset management, long-term debt ability, profitability and recommendations (take the help of ratios calculated above
and the text in the case study)
You can perform analysis by doing the intra-company
comparison (how the company has performed over the years) and/or intercompany
comparison (by looking at the benchmark figures given in the case study)
Analysis should incorporate your reasoning. (For example, if you observe that the current ratio is
deteriorating over the years, your explanation should include commentary on current
assets and/or the current liabilities performance.
Basically, as per your analysis, what has affected the current ratio)
Please submit a PDF of this memorandum.
(Times New Roman font, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing)
Below is the case study document and original excel file. Thank you
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