Homework Exercise Set 5.2, Part I LINK TO TEXTBOOK: https://library.lol/main/10

Homework Exercise Set 5.2, Part I



This is the homework for Module Five.
Exercise Set 5.2, Part I, pp. 245-246.

We are examining argument validity. The statements in a deductive argument do not have to be true in order for the argument (the argument form) to be valid. We are only examining form–deductive form of the categorical syllogism. Does the conclusion follow from the premises is the question–not are the conclusion and premises true.

Do your work offline. When finished, then just copy and paste it into the submission device.
You don’t need to copy these instructions here. You can use them as an outline and then eliminate everything that is not part of your answers.

Make sure that you include each item number. Separate each item by a space or two, and place each element of your answer for an item on its own line. Use my example below as a guide. I have done item #2, so you will start with #3, then #5, etc. (skipping the starred items).

You don’t need to copy and submit the diagrams. The diagrams are inside the homework assignment anyway, so if you need to do a last minute check before clicking submit you can check inside.

Just do the following:
Label the terms of the argument
Present the argument symbolically, i.e., using the labels
State which diagram applies
Explain whether the argument is valid or not valid–how you can tell

We will use only the Boolean standpoint. (for example, in this exercise All A are B does not imply that there are some A and they are B. In the diagrams, then, All A are B would not be understood to introduce an X into the picture. Only statements that begin “Some A are…” or “Some A are not…” introduce an X representing a something that is there.

Use these labels:

Display each argument in standard form using the S,M,P labels (instead of xyz)
all x are y
all y are z,
all x are z

NOTE: in each exercise problem I have started the labelling process for you.

The selected diagram should match your argument display.

You do not need to draw a diagram. Just select the appropriate diagram by its designated letter from the ones displayed below (e.g., Diagram A, Diagram B, etc.). They are jumbled, so you will have to look them over to find the one that matches for each item.

Instructor Example for item #2 (so you will start with #3)

Diagram Z (for #2)

S: fossil fuels
M: renewable forms of energy
P: combustible gasses

No S are M
some P are S
Some P are not M

Diagram Z

Validity: the argument is valid. – X is clearly inside both P and S, but not inside M. So there is something, some combustible gases, which are not M (are not renewable forms of energy).

Select from the following Venn diagrams (select “Diagram A”, or “Diagram B”, etc).
There should be one that fits each of the non starred numbered items, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11

Be sure you label the terms (the subject and predicate expressions of the premises) and include that in your answer. Your labeling must match the diagram you select in order to make any sense.
Remember, the labels represent terms, not sentences. A sentence (a premise or a conclusion) combines two labels like “All S are P” or “Some P are not M” — your premises and conclusion will look like that. S, P, and M represent the key content terms of the premises and conclusion., “All dogs are barking animals” , then with S labeled for dogs and P for barking animals would be All S are P.

So, your argument display will express sentences (e.g., All S are P, Some T are U)

Diagram A
Diagram B
Diagram C

Diagram D
Diagram E
Diagram F

Start here with:

S: individuals truly concerned with the plight
M: people motivated primarily by self interest
P: ________

Copy the labelling assignments above and fill in for P, and then…
Display the argument (in standard form) using the S, M, P symbols.
Indicate diagram selection from the above six
Validity: Valid or invalid? Explain


S: engineering majors
M: candidates for nightly hookups
P: _______

Argument displayed (in standard form) using the S, M, P symbols.
Indicate diagram selection
Validity: Valid or invalid? Explain


S: impulse buyers
M: consumers with credit cards
P: _______

Argument displayed (in standard form) using the S, M, P symbols.
Indicate diagram selection
Validity: Valid or invalid? Explain


S: individuals prone to violence
M: Men who treat others humanely
P: ________

Argument displayed (in standard form) using the S, M, P symbols.
Indicate diagram selection
Validity: Valid or invalid? Explain


S: ATM machines
M: places criminals lurk
P: _______

Argument displayed (in standard form) using the S, M, P symbols.
Indicate diagram selection
Validity: Valid or invalid? Explain


S: circular triangle
M: plane figures
P: _______

Argument displayed (in standard form) using the S, M, P symbols.
Indicate diagram selection
Validity: Valid or invalid? Explain