Readings (see the lectures sections in the weeks 12 and 13 modules for where to

Readings (see the lectures sections in the weeks 12 and 13 modules for where to find the readings):
Lu Ann Homza, “How to Harass an Inquisitor-General: The Polyphonic Law of Friar Francisco Ortíz,” A Renaissance of Conflicts: Visions and Revisions of Law and Society in Italy and Spain, 299–336.
Documents 17 and 19 in Lu Ann Homza, ed., The Spanish Inquisition 1478–1614.
Joseph Pérez, The Spanish Inquisition, 176–195.
Question for Analysis: In a 5-page paper (typed, double space), answer ONE of the following questions:
How did the Inquisition’s censorship affect educated and uneducated people in different ways? Was one group more affected than the other? Explain by discussing three specific examples from the readings listed above.
How effective was the Inquisition’s censorship? How was it most effective and least effective? Explain by discussing three specific examples from the readings listed above.
Your book analysis must specifically address the question, or else we will not accept it. It should have a thesis that succinctly answers the question, and the rest of your paper should support this argument based on your analysis of your examples using brief quotations.
Since the questions are general, you may want to have a more specific thesis. You may want to briefly define the terms educated and uneducated or effective and ineffective as part of your answer.
Indicate your notes in parenthesis, for example: (Homza, doc. 17, p. X), (Perez, p. X), (Homza, “Ortiz,” p. X). You do not need a bibliography. If you want to cite Kamen’s book, sum up the points and give page references, but try not to quote from it. If you cite any works besides the ones assigned for this course, provide full bibliographic information.
Readings are included.