Write 1000 words in response to the following question: Should socialism be thro

Write 1000 words in response to the following question: Should socialism be thrown in the dust-bin of history?

The late 1980s and early 1990s featured a heated debate about exactly this questions, one whose arguments are still very much with us. Use readings from week 3 (on liberalism and neo-liberalism) and week 4 (on socialism and communism) to offer a response to this question. Ideally, your response should start with an account of what socialism is, before moving on to offer an argued response for whether you think it should be adopted, adapted, or altogether abolished!

Formatting Requirements: Font size 12 in Arial or Times New Roman; double-spaced; MLALinks to an external site. or ChicagoLinks to an external site. referencing style. Whichever you use, please be consistent!

Grading Guidelines (as close to a rubric as it gets!):

Format: 11 or 12-point font; Times or Times New Roman. Use your referencing style of choice for in-text citations and bibliography (Chicago Style, APA, APSA, etc.) but be consistent.

A range paper: This is a paper that offers a clear and compelling argument that tries to analyze, clarify, criticize, and/or compare one text/author/argument with another. It moves beyond the terminology used by the author/reading to offer an explanation and a synthesis of what the author means by the concepts they use, and how they connect these core concepts (such as: human nature, human flourishing, freedom, equality, happiness, progress, etc.) and how do these connections relate to those laid out by other authors. An A-paper may also be one that offers a criticism of the author’s argument, though it must provide a fair and accurate portrayal of that argument and recognize how the author might potentially respond to that criticism.

In terms of structure, a solid A paper should start with an introductory paragraph that outlines its major question/ thesis. All subsequent paragraphs should start with a topic sentence and conclude with a sentence that ties them up to the more general thesis of the paper. The concluding paragraph should wrap up your argument and reassert it in light of your discussion of the topic at hand.