Step 2 (by Sunday night–extended due date) (20 points) : Responding to others.

Step 2 (by Sunday night–extended due date) (20 points) : Responding to others.

Watch/read another student’s work in your group and analyze it in terms of both content and style in a minimum 300-word post.

You need to analyze someone’s project that has not been by another classmate in depth. In order to do this, once someone in your group posts a paper/presentation or information about a presentation and you have posted yours, you can “claim it” on the discussion board. You can just respond to the post and state, “ I, ________, intend to analyze this project.” The first person that claims it will be the one who can analyze it before Sunday, following the response requirements posted on the Project Guidelines. You should also provide short responses to the others in your group as well.

PART II (20 points of your total score)


The second part of the assignment requires you to analyze another classmate’s project in terms of her/his application of deviance theories and class concepts and materials. You should assess whether the use of the theoretical concepts is appropriate or whether another theory or other theories would better explain or enrich their analysis. In addition, you should consider whether the writer integrated important points from two peer-reviewed scholarly articles written after 2021 into their paper and included references in the presentation. Your response to another classmate’s paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length. Be sure to add something new to the discussion to demonstrate your understanding of class material, rather than simply mirroring back what the original person wrote.

You need to attempt to analyze someone’s project that has not been by another classmate. In order to do this, once someone in your group posts a project, you can “claim it” on the discussion board for your group if you have posted your project. You can just respond to the post and state, “ I, ________, intend to analyze this paper/podcast/narrated PP/video.” The first person that claims a project will be the one who is allowed to analyze it in depth. But, of course, you should read/watch/listen to all the projects in your group and give quick feedback to the others as well (required).